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×...icture. In English: “No objects could be retrieved for this field. Remove attributes that no longer exist from the configuration filter for custom asset fields and ensure that the AQL query is valid.” W...
Hello, I am trying to write a JQL query to fetch the report for Request Assignment Group( Single Group Picker) field value change from one group name to any other group. I have tried, Project = "" ...
Hello, I'm trying to import assets with applying an AQL filter, but I have a constant fail. Did anyone had a similar issue and maybe a solution ? CSV: unu,doi val unu,val doi AQL filter s...
Hi, I have a problem with my AQL query in my automation. I always have the message "Assets field condition failed" When creating a ticket on the portal, I want to check whether the "c...
...un AQL on specific asset object types, but I need to run query on all of them like in case of looking for all assets that are in country/location X & Y. It seems that only option is to use API.&n...
...rom our asset management and I'm working on automation and can't figure out what is the correct format for AQL Condition in the automation. I just want something simple like "Display Name" = "Lukas" t...
...hat users can chose from in general. A "Service" object uses an attribute reference to a dedicated "Service Category" object. See following Screenshot: I also know I can confgure an AQL Filter I...
...ype object has a Category attribute that has the objectType name in it. I have several objects that have a Category of "Workstation". According to the documentation, this should work as an AQL f...
...nstead have all associate IT Agents and Customers housed in a custom schema. Looking for a way to match say ... AND reporter IN aqlFunction("Associates.\"Functional Area\"=\"O...
...o. Is that possible to write AQL what filters Products objects based on reporter’s office? Thank you, Nick
...oth Jira automation using "in aqlfunction("") format, using compound JQL query syntax, like this: "Selections/s" in aqlFunction ("Active=TRUE") AND "Selections/s" in aqlFunction ("In Periodic Review=F...
...anaged that, butit is only a partof AQL as I also need for one person from HR to see allthe group, and when I am adding second part of condition he can see all group but also the managers can see all g...
Hello, I have an asset type field called "Service" with the following configuration: I was wondering if it is possible to modify the configuration to allow a specific user to se...
Let's assume the variable {{example}} outputs the values 'KEY-1, KEY-2, KEY-3, KEY-4'. This variable is created to store object keys from lookupObjects . Using the split function or other text ...
Hi, I use the following smart value: {{#lookupObjects}}{{index}}. {{Key}} {{Name}} {{"Application Type"}} {{/}} to store results of LookupObjects into variable businessAppResults When access...
...he first part of the requirement, which is to show only the offices that are managed by the reporter's current office. The AQL in the Issue Filter looks like this: ObjectType = Office AND Object H...
When I choose a Building in an object attribute, I would like it to filter the Internal Location attribute to only display those internal locations related to the building. The asset (Televisions)...
...odel" This AQL and field config work with a single selected object, but not with multiple: "Modell" IN (${customfield_10086}) customfield_10086 = Model Configuration of Custom Field "G...
Hello, I have an object type called "Business Services" in which I added an attribute called "Related projects" which can hold projects. I want to add an AQL to the filter issues s...
...MDB)" itself. How to write an AQL to call the name of the child object? Thanks in advance
Hello, I need to create an AQL that will filter all objects with inbound references where the user is part of the group selected in the group attribute which I called "Test Group" for now....
Hi, We are trying to use the smart value: {{lookupObjects.(reference name).(attribute name)}} The lookup object returning is correct, printing in the table but no luck on getting the InR n...
Hallo, i have Objects "PC" ("PC_1", "PC_2", "PC_3", ...) which refers to an individual object "License" ("L_1", "L_2", "L_3", ...) I connected them as an object with the additional Value "License...
Hi friends! I'm currently learning about Jira Assets, and how to write search filters, and I've gotten a bit stuck with AQL. Let me describe a bit of my object schema so you'll understand how this i...
Hi there, I would like help with AQL please. Essentially, AQL for "does the value of X contain the value of Y" I have an asset attribute which can be multiple words separated by s...
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