Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×...ermissions preventing any unauthorized access. You don’t need to maintain any manual admin processes or janky scripts to grant users product access. You can read more of our blogs on our w...
Managing access to Git repositories within Confluence is a big deal for any software development team. Knowing that different teams have different needs, we’ve developed two access modes in Git for C...
...et again over the last month. This month we have three new areas the automation team has been focusing on. Manage public links & guest access using automations. These new actions will allow t...
Entra IDでプロビジョニングした際、アトラシアンアカウントのユーザーの氏名と公開名がどうなるか管理者の方からご質問をいただくことがあります。本記事では上記のご質問について記載させていただきます。 回答 現状、氏名・公開名をマッピングを行いたい場合以下の属性をマッピングいただく必要がございます。 Atlassian UI 記載項目 アトラシアン側の属性...
...iving third party apps access to certain content in cloud. To help you exercise more control over the content apps can access, last July we launched an initial, small-scale early access program f...
...tlassian Access Subscribers. Hey Admins! Get ready to soon override your IP allowlists for the Atlassian Cloud Mobile Apps In an effort to secure content, many admins and organisations choose to s...
Many Jira Cloud users often find themselves uncertain about the different levels of access that are available to them. Atlassian/Jira Cloud provides distinct levels of access: Organization A...
...mproves how you interact with billing and subscription management at Atlassian. Admins will now have access to a refreshed interface that unifies the management of cloud subscriptions, billing and i...
※本記事は、Nehal Jainが2021年10月17日に公開した英語記事「Cloud admins now have more control over their User Access Settings」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 変更内容 組織でAtlassian C...
...long this article, we are going to share with you many aspects around the management of user access to Jira projects and Confluence spaces on a big Atlassian Cloud instance. Introduction As site a...
...ome edits to this page since it was first published on Oct 17, 2021. What's changing? We're excited to introduce centralized user access settings for your organization at admin.atlassian.com....
...ore updates! EAP UPDATE: ADVANCED ROADMAP MIGRATION The Advanced Roadmap migration early access program EAP that was originally planned to start later this year, has been pulled up t...
Recently one of our clients migrated from Server to Cloud and activated Atlassian Access (AA) as part of their Cloud migration. They were surprised to find that included in their AA license count w...
...elease tracks Automatic product discovery Authentication policies Automatic user provisioning These products are currently available to all Cloud Premium (Sandbox, Release tracks) and Access (A...
...tlassian tools administrator use the following tools as part of your role: Crowd, Access or Admin Hub (enough if you use one of these)? Take part in a fun research focus group! Team Enterprise i...
...HANGES AND RESOURCES FOR ACCESS AVAILABLE TODAY: AUTHENTICATION POLICIES RESOURCES Here are some great blogs to catch up on Atlassian’s authentication policies: Blog: Authentication p...
Hi Enterprise Community members! I'll be helping to moderate a virtual fireside chat between our Head of Product, Bala Venkatrao, and Zoom's Head of IT Infrastructure and Employee Services, Gary Cha...
We excited to share that we recently launched a feature called Device Visibility for admins. Device visibility gives you more confidence in our cloud products by providing you with information on who...
TL;DR Project admins can now set up and control access to individual issues or set a default restriction to issues of an issue type for a next-gen project. What has shipped? Until n...
...eature request to integrate more tightly with Access in the future, so that users can use their SSO passwords to perform Git operations. See https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BCLOUD-19778 to follow p...
...omparison with the classic project type is that customer permissions should be managed only on the Customers tab, leaving the internal project access area for internal use only, which makes sense. R...
Hello, my name is Avni Barman and I am a Product Manager on the Atlassian Access team! Atlassian Access offers enterprise-grade security and centralized administration across all your Atlassian c...
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