What's the minimum set of permissons a user needs in order to access the REST API? I am trying to get information about a particular project, e.g. /jira/rest/api/latest/project/<name>, but I ...
HTTP Status 404 - Could not execute action [CommentAssignIssue]:com/atlassian/jira/util I get this every time I file a new comment or attempt a workflow change on something in JIRA. The change "tak...
We use Jira as a ticketing system and started out with 4.0. We use a Create or Comment Handler based service to keep up with emails from our end users. This worked great in 4.0. Last month I upgra...
I have noticed a jira-managers group. I believe the best way to allow another employee the ability to administer projects and issues without administering the system by adding the user and permissio...
Can anybody tell me what might cause these underlying errors in catalina.out? Aug 29, 2011 7:02:35 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode WARNING: Could not lock User pre...
I know one would think that using lables is not a difficult thing however I have discovered that for the most part no one at my company gets it so we have tons of unneeded random labels. We hav...
In GreenHopper Project Progress Gadget the show 0 todo's and six in progress but it should be the other way around, what does this gadget use to determine what is ToDo, In Progress or Done ?
I noticed that Greenhopper was omitting several JIRAs when compared to the regular JIRA filter. Upon further investigation, I found that the JIRAs being omitted had a ranking of "Issue can not be ra...
Hello! I am running JIRA 4.4 and integrating it with my application so that we can use JIRA to track customer support tickets. The web application integrates with JIRA using the SOAP API and creates ...
If I click on the project in jira to get the summary view and then click on the Review tab, there are no reviews listed, even though we have reviews that have been done/are ongoing. There is an app...
Greenhopper suggest that we use the Labels field for linking an Epic to user stories. This has several limitations. I want to use the standard jira issue linking feature instead. Does anyone know...
What are Epics, what are stoies and what is the difference between them? There has been a thread about this topic about a year ago. What I learned from this is, they are nearly alike and there is h...
We are just starting to use GH for Kanban like projects. We are not using sprints or releases, but have the "same board" all the time. After a while the done column gets filled up with done stories. ...
I am confused as to how Greenhopper handles scope changes during the sprint. When we postpone an issue to a later sprint (change the fix version), Greenhopper removes this issue from the burndown cha...
I create bugreport as subtask on an issues. The bugreport has the workflow open->resolved. Is there a way to get a nice bugreport such the graphical report "Issues: 30 Day Summary report"? Or othe...
Hello, is there any chance to see the labels in the Eclipse IDE connector? Additionally is there a chance to use Epics in the connector? Thorsten
After installing a fresh copy of Jira 4.4 and importing my Jira 4.1.1 from backup, I notice a gadget I've created on my dashboard in the 4.1 version come up with the following: --------------------...
Hello, i obtained an SSL-Certificate by my Hoster of the VPS (Win 2008 R2) where i installed the latest Jira Standalone Version. Everything is working fine on Port 80 with an MySQL-Database. But...
I have a application in domain 'A" and Jira is running in Domain "B". Applications shows Jira in IFrame in domain 'A'. When I launch Jira I get some javascript errors such as 1. Permission de...
...mport org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; public class TestClient { public static final String username="xxxx"; public static final String p...
My intention is to link to certain Project Reports that I commonly use. I don't like having to recreate the reports with parameters (Project or Filter) every time I view the report.
Trying to import data from a CSV file to a project but none of the custom fields are populated. Import log states "Custom field not found" JIRA version is 4.3.4
I know quick search only search by Summary, description or comment, but can we add it to search by ID#? If not, can we somehow search by Key that would pull all the tickets with same ID as 3124 (for...
i want to integrate my LDAP with JIRA need some help entered the following fileds LDAP Host: ldap://myldaphost:port Base DN: Bind DN: Bind password: Search Attribute: uid sample user ...
I see the following files under ...\WEB-INF\classes\templates\email\HTML\includes. footer.vm, header.vm, summary-bottom.vm and summary-topleft.vm Footer for example looks like this: -- $...
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