Linking a Confluence Home Page in an Issue produces an Error

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April 21, 2021

Every time I am trying to link a Confluence page to a Jira Epic, Story, Task, or Bug it produces the error: "We're having trouble. Check your connection and try again."

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G subramanyam
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April 21, 2021

Hi @chelsea.goetz welcome to the Atlassian community.

Please be informed that, this error is most likely a bug and the same is being worked by the Atlassian team on JRACLOUD-72311 

The work around that is being suggested as on 22.March.2021 is "The home pages that reveal in the 'link to confluence' drop down point to new pages that are no longer home pages, they are overviews of the space. We advise users to use the 'add web link' and 'insert macro' - Jira on the confluence page to display the Jira issue at the foot of the page."

I would request you to look at these threads for some details:

Stay safe and stay healthy.

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