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Request Participant Field

Elif Alverson October 17, 2023


When we add users to the "Request Participant" field , do they receive notification emails every time there is an updates on the tickets? Can they respond to the tickets via email? Just to make sure since some users say they do not.

The customer notifications are enabled for; 

  • Customer invited
  • Request created
  • Public comment added
  • Public comment edited
  • Participant added


Am I missing any other settings to make sure they receive/respond to the tickets via email?  Thank you.

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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October 17, 2023

@Elif Alverson 

Hi Elif:

Request Participants get all the notifications just like the issue reporter on the issue.  If your environment is setup to process reply emails as issue comments, then the issue (associated with the notification) should display their comments (public) to the issues.

For the users who stated that they don't receive the notification, you may want to contact Atlassian Support ( for further support because they can look into the audit system logs on outgoing emails from your site for possible problems.

Lastly, you should enabled "Request resolved" notification for your JSM projects.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Technology Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Elif Alverson October 17, 2023

Thank you! Could you explain why do I need to enable the "Request resolved"? 

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 17, 2023

@Elif Alverson -

In Jira/JSM, when an issue is CLOSED/RESOLVED, the resolution field is populated.  This drives the "Request resolved" event in Customer notifications setup.

As stated in the UI -  This event is for 

"When a request resolution field is set, your service project notifies the reporter and all customers involved. This notification is sent to the reporter even if they have turned off notifications for a request."

It is a default event that we always enabled, because we want the customers always be notified when an issue is resolved.  Of course, it is up to your team to determine if this is something that you want to use in your process.

Hope this helps.  If my suggestions helped you, please click on "Accept answer", so others with similar asks will see this post as an answered one.

Best, Joseph

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Elif Alverson October 17, 2023

Great, thanks again. I have already accepted your answer.

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