We built our app, so it’s no wonder that we like it. But experience shows: We have more satisfied customers, and a modern IT support process which feels fresh and exciting.
Tobias, yasoon's co-founder and tech lead, tells you more: yasoon runs Microsoft 365 for Jira - YouTube
By using Microsoft 365 for Jira for our own IT service management, we enjoy certain benefits:
Improved time-to-resolution / quick communication
When we communicate with a customer via Microsoft Teams chat, it usually is possible to solve the customer request quickly, in a synchronous fashion. Although this requires more time upfront, from both the agent and the customer, usually the issue can be resolved with a short, 10-15 min chat, or a quick call if necessary. This helps keeping the JSM queues clean and the agents focused on not too many issues at a time.
Customer satisfaction when communicating with Teams chat has also massively improved. We were totally surprised by how casually customers communicate by chat in contrast to email. You get compliments for your app and your support much more often, which is a great way to keep agents and developers motivated. In addition, customers seem to be much more trusting and satisfied after the request is resolved. This way our positive reviews also went up. I think it’ll click for you once a customer sends you the first GIF response :-)
We switched internal communications in JSM requests from Jira comments to Teams channel conversations completely. All our developers that do support use the app daily. This helps us keep our communication to only one medium, as we also don’t send any internal emails anymore. This has improved the overview by a huge margin and leads to faster response times.
We were able to reduce time-to-resolution in JSM and overall save time in our IT service management communication. The positive feedback by our customers was overwhelming, which is a great motivation boost for our whole team.
Britta Neugebauer [yasoon]
Director Business Development (yasoon GmbH)
yasoon GmbH
Mannheim, Germany
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