Hi there Quick question about Crowd SSO. Is it possible to establish SSO across different domains, such as between aaa.bbb.com and ccc.ddd.com? I know it's possible when the root do...
Hello, Is it possible to obtain User ID from the token which is issued (responsed from the Crowd server) when a user authenticates against Crowd server? If it's possible, I would like to ...
I would like to configure my applications (Crucible & Fisheye, Confluence, Jira, Bamboo all of which use Crowd with the SSO option) to persist their login information across having the browser wi...
Hello, we are migrating crowd to the new server, but we would like to keep existing database with existing data. Problem is that while setting up Crowd on the new server according to steps descri...
Hi, How we will get the all user directories? what is the bean name we need to use to get Ldap,Intenal With Ldap Authentication and Active Directory below code we are using. private Directory...
Problem: You are using crowd for authentication and user directory is an Active Directory Server Confluence caches the crowd user database in its own mysql database. User display names contai...
Hi can anyone explain how atlassian crowd work? i have been reading its documentation but i am still not clear. isit able to pick up combination username and password from another place? and how ...
What user attributes does a Crowd internal directory utilize out-of-the-box? I know of the following: passwordLastChanged requiresPasswordChange autoGroupsAdded I cannot find in the documentat...
We are using Crowd with JIRA and Confluence. In Crowd, we have an LDAP directory (delegated) and a regular Crowd directory. We would like to allow users to self-sign-up to get accounts in the Crowd d...
In Crowd, when we set up a user, we would like to track additional fields - company, title, and phone number. Is that possible? I hope it is.
Is it possible to set up multiple AD connectors for a single directory? One of our two AD servers went down earlier today and I realized that this makes Crowd and the applications that depend on it ...
I'm using lastAuthenticated to try to prune out inactive users. Unfortunately, I'm seeing that this timestamp isn't updated when users are authenticating though Jira/Crucible/etc, even though they a...
Hi, Can someone please explain to me what is the difference between the three Crowd versions? Crowd 2.5.2 - Standalone (TAR.GZ Archive) 112.3 MB • Released 22-Oct-2012 (Release ...
Why пenerally all users from Crowd Directory are transferred in all associated applications? For example: this is "test2" user, he does not enter into one of groups: Settings for connected a...
Hi, I am connecting my Atlassian applications - JIRA/Confluence/Fisheye to Crowd for SSO across these applications. Is it possible to connect each of these Atlassian applications to 2 Crowd server...
We are trying to install Crowd 2.5.2 on a new server, and run it unprivileged as the crowd user. I have run the script here https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CROWD/Setting+Crowd+to+Run+Automat...
Hi, I am rather technical novice with a web server and I am trying to setup JIRA, Confluence and Crowd with IIS reverse proxy within a single server. I followed the installation documents and succe...
Does enabling Crowd automatically allow access if the appropriate credentials are set in AD or would we still need to create a local account with Jira for each user?
After adding a new application (its own new directrory and new groups associated with this directory) into crowd, I would like to add my existing crowd/jira users to the group that this application s...
We have been using fisheye/crucible for a couple years and are gettting back into JIRA, plus Confluence and want to utilize with Crowd with them for SSO via our Active Directory. Last week we edited ...
I am wondering if you have an API that provides any of the following functionality: * List all of the Microsoft Active Directories added to Crowd, and search them for a specific user (by name and/o...
Hello We have installed Jira 5.1.7 today and migrated our ondemand instance comerge.jira.com. Which worked fine so far. We now try to connect our crowd instance with Jira, with no success. I simply ...
Hello, I just upgraded to crowd 2.5.1, jira 5.1.6 and confluence 4.3.1. JIRA and Confluence seem to be using Crowd for authentication. However JIRA/Confluence does not seem to recognize existing s...
When I look at the groups a user belongs to all seems well, but then when I search for the same groups in group list they are not visible. What am I doing wrong?
After upgrading Crowd 2.0.7 to 2.5.1 yesterday I've seen a SQL error a couple times in atlassian-crowd.log. See attached stack trace. (actually seen it twice, ~24hrs between.) Looks like a uniqe co...
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