Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you might find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×We run our inspections in Crucible. From a single inspection in Crucible I will often get multiple emails each day. Multiply that number by inspections I'm a reviewer on and I can easily ...
I am receiving multiple emails every day for a single inspection even though I have set my profile (Email watches - Send Watch Emails) to the "Daily" setting and all the Review Notification Events se...
Hello, Trying to remove and add admins from Fisheye Crucible. Getting this error on attachement. Can you help please? Regards
Hi thanks for your help, We want active users list from crucible Full name |Username |emil ID| Last authentication date Thanks
Where do I download Crucible and Fisheye for Linuxx?
How to set this to false. We do not have a proxy in front of fisheye and httponly is set to true. We are having multiple issues.
Our development team uses Crucible in-house with the database on a SQL Server 2014 instance. As this SQL version has recently reached end-of-life we are looking to retire the server. Before simply mi...
I have just installed Fisheye+Crucible (as docker container "atlassian/crucible") for evaluation. We are evaluating this as start with one product which has code on two SVN repositories. Both SVN re...
Hi... From Fisheye and Crucible, does any data sent back to bitbucket server like review comments or pull requests? Can someone please clarify on that?
Hi Team, We have install Fisheye-Crucible 4.8 version in our servers. We have the data for the application stored in both local and external DB (MSSQL). Can you please let us know which data gets sto...
I have the same problem described at: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Fisheye-Crucible-questions/Failed-to-setup-git-executable/qaq-p/112217 When I want to set the Git executable on Crucible whi...
code provided by japanes clients is saved on svn, comments are written in S-JLS. we are using crucible to check codes saved on svn, but it would not display properly. how do ...
Hi, We have issue of taking a long time when loading project pages and just project pages. It takes 10-18 minutes, depending on how big the project is. The server and database server performance ar...
S-JISで記載されたSWコードSVNに保存。 SVN上のコードをcrucibleで読み込むと文字化けする。 crucible表示する文字コードをS-JISに変更するにはどのようにすればよいか?
Hi. We appear to have experienced some corruption with our Crucible server. Starting the Atlassian Crucible service immediately stops. The config.xml file is 15KB and full of nulls. The cru...
Our self-hosted Fisheye instance (Fisheye 4.7.0) has recently started failing to clone or pull a very popular mercurial repository. When it fails to clone or pull, we get this sort of error: Unable...
HI , We are using fisheye version : 4.8.6 Few days back DB migrated, after application was working fine , but suddenly service stopped and unable to start the server. From Logs , we can see below ...
Hi, I want to access the fisheye server by using the URL http://server.domain.com/fisheye instead of http:/server.domain.com:8060. I was editing the server settings according to this page...
Bamboo 8.2.4 Fisheye / Crucible 4.8.8 Bitbucket 7.21.16 Crowd (with CrowdId addon) 5.0.2 Product name and versions mentioned above Let us know if there are other considerations.
Hi, With Crucible, it's possible to have multiple repositories within a code review. As Crucible is now under 'basic maintenance' we're currently trialling Bitbucket. It doesn't seem like this fea...
After a new install of Crucible. I opened localhost:8060/admin and placed my licence key. After that each time i open it now it is blank with the link being. "/setup/jiraConnect.do" Tried to...
is there anyone tried up this product the fisheye /crucible just to know how the works is with this platform or web
I’m looking for advice on what should happen to inactive users’ data. Jira issues, plans, boards, filters, etc. Confluence personal spaces, pages,other spaces. Bitbucket, bamboo, fe/cru!?!
I would like to request for the two products: - Atlassian Crucible, version 4.8.15 - Atlassian Crucible, version 4.8.14 We currently have an outstanding issue with Kantega SSO app that does not fu...
Fisheye / Crucible login UN/PW recovery - how to?
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