url: https://figureaihealthcare-team-5rskrzmnb4ty.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DevOPS/pages
Hi, i want to get of all permissions from all spaces from confluence. first i call all spaces with {base_url}/wiki/api/v2/spaces , then i get for every spac...
I'd like to add a link vscode://settings/templates.author to a page, similar to the links seen on https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/terminal/basics#_copy-paste
Hi team, i am trying to send an email only when the event is modified (but specifically when the confirm form field "StatusRequest" is updated to "Completed" I don't want to send the email when other...
Hi, I am trying to use the page properties macro to filter by children of a parent page. The macro is used in a template so the reference to the parent page needs to be dynamic. In other words, inst...
When I attempt to log into SalesForce, I receive an error stating: (See below in RED) however, when I review my access in "MyAccess", I have Existing "Global Commercial Salesforce Access".
Hi, I wonder if there is a way to use the class attribute name in the FORMATWIKI with {cell}. For example, I tried the following but it did not work. SELECT * FORMATWIKI({cell: class='cw-sta...
Hello everyone. I am trying to retrieve the contents of a Page I created via the Confluence REST API using the Python library atlassian-pyton-api (or even the REST API), but I don't seem to understan...
Hello, I wanted to disable confluence login in access code. Thanks, Stanley
Could you demo setting up a knowledgebase? I want to have a customer knowledgebase for documents. I do not want them to have visibility into sensitive information or access to other customers informa...
Since several days I can't use the two dimensional filter statistics gadget on the confluence every time I try to load the gadget, it's impossible to configure it
How can i remove a specific administrator (by person's name) from a space. I am also an administrator and created the space.
Hey everyone, I'm setting up Hexo on Debian 12 and ran into some issues with managing Node.js and Git installations. I had to manually adjust a few configurations to get things runnin...
When I use PlantUML in Draw.IO on Confluence plugin, it does not render C4 diagrams correctly with text - there is incorrect spacing and thus the text is hard to read. When I use PlantUML on...
I've recently become aware of the inline Status insert functionality (which replaces the status macro). Let's say I made a status that said "2025 Q4" and I inserted it beside a text element. This sta...
Hello Under my project i want to fetch some attributes per page as page owner/set status/page name or link whatever it tracks(still those are attributes). Then i want to have an aggregate page where...
I developed a Confluence plugin, and when I run it locally, my plugin is disabled. When I try to enable it, I get this error : [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 13:32:13,744 WARN [HikariPool-1 housekeep...
I have been struggling to get a conditionally required field to show a red asterisk via javascript for a few days now and finally decided I need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I have a...
I want to be able to upload images onto a folder in Confluence and reuse the images across pages, effectively single sourcing the image. Is this possible? I have seen some workarounds suggested but ...
Hi, I'm planning to migrate Jira from Data Center to the Cloud with a Enterprise-license. My question is about the Groups in the Atlassian Administration during a migration to the Cloud (Jira...
We would like to standardise pages in a space by utilising a template and want to ensure page status is set every time a page is created in this space. It doesn't appear to be possible to include the...
I used to create pages in Confluence and use them for volunteering. But now I can no longer find the pages and my saved link (URL) no longer works. It's as if the account or the pages never existed.
I want to summarize the team member's daily report which is written by team members because I want to report the top management members. I think that confluence has some functions to suppor ...
Hey there I want to update a page with the REST API. Currently, I use a GET to collect the current data of the page, then change the body and version number and try to use a PUT to update the...
Good morning, Yesterday I received an email from info@e.atlassian.com with the subject 'Unlock the power of Confluence databases' to join a webinar on Februari 20th at 11am PST and would like to kno...
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