I am trying to get screen ID's used in transitions of a workflow. JiraWorkflow.getAllActions() method returns a collection of ActionDescriptors, each corresponding to a transition in the workflow. ...
Hi, Currently we manage issues that are related to customers by selecting the customer from a drop down list. In paralel we have a external list that rates the customers. We made pre set f...
Hi! I'm looking for an easy way to get some basic information about the currently active sprint: - What is the sum of the hours of sub-Tasks that are still not closed but in this sprint? - What ...
We are looking to create a report that shows the amount of times a defect failed verification which was designated by the tester clicking the "Verify Failed" button. If there is an existing tool or ...
When I run this smart commit git commit -a -m "TEST-1234 #comment testing smart commits" I get back a message from the server saying it was not succesful as follows remote: [15:09:27] [ERROR...
Hi, Is it possible to produce a report that would document requirements captured in Confluence and their associated user stories\tickets + test case execution stats? I know of some plug...
Be Able to See the progress being made by the Assignee on their Tickets For Example, if they work on tickets in order of Ticket ID: xxxx then yyyy then zzz The progress chart should show the ...
as the question sum it up, I would like to change the position (weight attribute in xml web-panel definition) depending some data which I can get from java, javascript or velocity. any help ?
we are building the service desk at the moment and are on the brink of going live. out clients buy support hours from us on an nnual basis. can tempo be changed to run this budget time annually inst...
Hi! I am very new to JIRA and ajax in general. I am trying to create an issue, and here is my code for it: $.ajax({ type:"POST", url: "https://jira.website.com/rest/api/2/issue", dat...
Two status: Verifying and Closed We would like to disable user from making any comment on the main screen when ticket is at those two status. We only want users to make comment during ...
I create a sprint, add user stories to it, then start the sprint. But some of the user stories unexpectedly fall back onto the product backlog. The "Sprint" field in these user stories is...
Hey together, so I'm working on a Workflow plugin (currently only for internal use) where I want to provide a configuration interface to load some xml files either from resources (default/examples) ...
...irectory_title="Gadget" height="500"> </ModulePrefs> <UserPref name="isConfigured" datatype="hidden" default_value="true" /> <UserPref name="d...
...</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jira-plugin</artifactId> <version>${amps.version}</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration&g...
Hi all. I want to receive JIRA notifications for my mobile app via webhook. But when I try to register I get 403 error. Are there any restrictions on the use of this method - can it be executed by or...
If you get a project details by JIRA server API and by stash server api , you'll see different id for same project. How to find stash link from Jira or from stash to Jira ? I need to create a branch ...
If I am moving the incomplete task of Sprint n to Sprint n+1, I am losing the baseline(estimated effort, graph of estimated vs actual) which was created with Sprint n. Example: At the beginning of t...
(I usse JIRA boards to create different feature project tracking.) and my single board has nearly 6-7 EPICs as one epic per one feature. 1. go to backlog, and chose particular epic for which new sp...
(I usse a JIRA boards to create different feature project tracking.) and my single board has nearly 6-7 EPICs as one epic per one feature. 1. go to backlog, and chose particular epic for which new ...
We have a number iof JIRA gadgets that people use on their JIRA dashboards. The XML for the gadgets was loaded from an internal web server which has since been taken down. (It was one person's ...
Hello. I want to create a project (or whatever is appropiate) with milestones. I mean that I have some pre-defined dates I want to put as remarks. The milestone may be marketing milestone such as ...
Can I directly import a FRD from Confluence into Jira or do I have to download it to my desktop and then import it into the user story? Thanks, Donna
Given that a single Jira user likely plays more than one role, it would be very helpful if it were possible to configure a dashboard gadget to display based on project role, or other appropriate attr...
When I hover above the Parent Issue Link, there appears a tooltip with the name of the parent issue. However, the tooltip frequently remains in place even after the mouse pointer isn't hovering over ...
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