...ote there are other values that can be set for compass ## PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESSFUL, CANCELLED, FAILED, ROLLED_BACK, UNKNOWN if [ "$BUILD_STATUS" = true ] then BAMBOO_BUILD_STATE=FAILED e...
We sell our products as a single tenant SaaS provider. This means that we have a few components which can be considered "Applications" that are built using a lot of the "Library" and "Capability" com...
Hey everyone, I just wanted to quickly share a new article we have on sending build and deployment activity from Bamboo to Compass. The example script in the article will help you send build events, ...
We are excited to announce that we have expanded the UX to update component fields inline inside the Scorecard drawer - a feature we call “Easy Fix” - to support custom fields and custom scorecards i...
We group our owning teams into domains (N->1) We currently use a custom field to capture domain I can search for components associated via a domain by searching via custom field I would like to...
We would highly appreciate using compass in our datacenter for compliance reasons with Swiss Law. Any plans on that? Other people needing something similar? Or is there an Atlassian instance...
Automatically applied scorecards now offer an option for manual deactivation from select components. This feature empowers component owners with greater control over which scorecards are app...
Compass components overview --> -Deployment Production/staging. How does compass know if the deployment is in Production/staging ? is it based on tags on the bitbucket repo's ? is t...
I noticed when I push custom events to compass, the icon is the same no matter which value I send (INFO, WARNING, CHECKPOINT). Just wondering if I'm missing something? Thanks!
How do I retrieve all teams via the Compass GraphQL API? When I make a compass / searchTeams query it seems to only return a small subset of total teams even with an empty term. Thanks!
I've added about ~100 compass.yaml files in our monorepo to describe the various components that we have. However, so far although our GitHub integration says it's working, there has been 0 activity ...
Atlassian experts will share tips on keeping your devs in the flow and improving software health as your engineering organization evolves. And all in Compass 😌 Sign up and mark your calendars now...
Compass Communique: October 2024 Hello Compass Community, This October we’ve got some great treats to share 🎃. Check out the latest updates from Team ‘24 Europe that will supercharge yo...
TL;DR - Alerts and On-call features in Compass are now open to a wider audience and with many more features Hi everyone! In August, we announced the Early Access Program for Alerts and O...
We trialled Atlassian Compass but decided we weren't interested in using it. We have Confluence and Bitbucket premium accounts. But now when I create a new repository in the Bitbucket workspace, it a...
How do I retrieve the team name for a team via the Compass GraphQL API?
Is there a Rest API call to either GET or PUT a Config-as-code file for a given component? https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/compass/config-as-code/update-components-managed-with-config-as-co...
We are excited to announce the launch of our Early Access Program (EAP) for IP Allowlisting in Compass. This new feature is designed to enhance the security of your Compass instance by allowing you t...
I'm sending DEPLOYMENT events using the Rest API but they are not showing up in my activity / timeline NOTE: I see there are only 2 Environments I can see in the UI as well PRODUCTION and ...
Using the Rest APIs for Compass, I see the Cloud Id is required https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/compass/rest/api-group-events/#api-compass-v1-events-post But where can I find this? is...
As Compass usage has grown, customers have asked us for better tools to ensure that their catalogs are accurate and can be relied upon as their single source of truth for teams across their companies...
I have sync COmpass and JSM but incidents from JSM doesn`t appear in COmpass
Are there any ways to run command "dotnet new <TEMPLATE> --name foo.sample.api" from Compass? The <Template> is a Compass Template hosted on GitHub,
Hey everyone, Josh here from the Compass product team and I'm here today to tell you how great Events are 🎉 Our events API supports 9 different event types, including Custom, you can send to Co...
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