Hi there! I've noticed that there might be a problem (it may be on my end but I've dicided to start from asking the community): the send Slack message action sends as many messages as there are task...
Hi, I am trying to set notification about changes on related issues. I succeed to get the previous and current value for Summary and Description and few other fields but I can't do the ...
I'm currently using Automation For Jira on Jira Data Center v8.5.4. When a manually triggered rule is triggered I'd like to set the user that triggered the rule as the reporter of the issue ...
I try to make new automation (with automation for jira) with action to set custom Profields field "project start date" from now() value when project created. But in value I can set only some re...
I am doing jira jenkins integration using jenkins for robot framework aitomation with the help of xray plugin. Here my I am able to execute the test case status in Jira when I have one test case in ...
Hi Guy's, I am new to perl script & I was told by my Manager to write a perl script to automate the process of Searching all FIXEd JiRA ID from JAN 2020 to Jun 2020 , based on kit and kit ...
Has anyone integrated the TestNG framework with Xray Cloud instance. If yes, could you please share the link to the demo project. I could only find the sample code for the xray server version
We have version Power Scripts I used the example they have online /* Call this script from a workflow transition post-function. It will set the fields to the value of ...
how to add attachments to xray "Test Execution"'s page attachements section using rest api Can someone provide rest api how to do that? I have attached screenshot where i am actually looking for&nbs...
I want to apply a rule based in a new comment in Jira Services Desk that will be copied to related issue in a Kanban at Jira Software. However, the rule is including also new comments between Ji...
I would like to automate the process where creation of a Jira task with a given label say “Design” would create a new wiki template page say “Solution Design document template” for a given spac...
Hello guys, i have a nightly selenium test running in jenkins. It exports cucumber feature files from Jira/Xray, runs the test and imports the xrayresultimport.json via REST-API back to Jira/Xr...
When I try to use any of profields triggers in Jira automation I get the following message -------------------------------- Disabled third party extension for Automation for Jira? This rule compon...
Hi, I'd like to be able to update a text value on confluence page using Jira Automation, is this possible? Use cases: Reporting Release Notes
I have create a automation rule to send updates to my Microsoft Team's team (specific channel) using webhook whenever a sprint is closed/started. The rule is giving me an error:
Hey, Is it possible for Jira Automation issue changes to be put into a different Activity tab instead of the "History" tab. Our Automation uses a bot, so maybe it's possible to separate this based ...
I'm building an automation rule that performs a JQL query based on a schedule and sends a Slack message using the result of the query. At the moment, I am using the lookup issues action to perform th...
Hey all, I am updating our email templates with field id's instead of the field name. But for some reason when I use the id, I get no results? Looking around the forums and documentation I find som...
I have cloud based Jira system and want to fetch and add test sets and test Execution issue types. later will have to fetch the details such as tests included in the test sets. With the current API...
Hi, I want to send a message to the channel once a task has been in a column for more than 3 days. I know there is a field called [Chart] Time In Status that is displayed in the card, but how can I ...
Hi all, I am following instructions at https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/jira-rest-api-oauth-authentication/ to get the access token for jira api access. However, at the ...
I added a post function to copy a value to another field within the same Issue. I have a validator which requires the field at the transition "Prioritization" but I also added the Copy value fr...
i want to create a issue in a specific project (AYISA) when a specific user ("PEPE") add a comment on any project. This is a global rules and trigger with "add comment". I want to have a clone of th...
Hi guys! I am setting up an automation to send an email when a fix version is released. Setup: Trigger: When version released Then: Lookup issues And: Send email Contents: <u...
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Subject | Author | Posted |
February 27, 2025 3:33 AM PST | ||
February 26, 2025 3:56 PM PST | ||
February 21, 2025 8:31 AM PST | ||
February 20, 2025 1:01 PM PST | ||
January 28, 2025 5:08 AM PST |