The docs about wildcards don't explain the difference between these wildcards very well in my opinion. {*}: this wildcard will match any text with blank spaces. Typically, it is used to m...
I would need to use wildcard characters in Page Property Report macro's filters. As an example, I've verified that setting "With title" filter to "(v*.*.*)" value, the macro will match all pages w...
Hi there! I'm looking to set some cards up with titles like "Do a thing - Repeat every 4 days". Is there a way to grab the "4" using wildcards in Butler and then, for example, set up a new card t...
I have a checkbox custom field called "OKR?" that has the following options: Q1FY22 - Deliver GA Q1FY22 - Stretch Q1FY22 - Code Complete IS there a way to do a wildcard...
Hi, I'm pretty new to Trello and trying to get my head around Butler and wildcards. Basically I want to extract various chunks of text from the description when a new card is added / moved and p...
We created a filter to search based on wildcard ‘*”, which works perfectly fine in Jira 7.13.6 with wildcard search plugins version 2.5. As soon as we upgraded to Jira Server to 8.12.0, the plugin d...
Hey, I'm facing a weird behavior after the Jira Core upgrade from 7.13.1 to 8.8.1. The simple search suggest issues with only two numbers and wildcard like this 00*. Before the upgrade I w...
Hi. I recently started using Butler, so as the Trello folks suggest, I am using it via the Butler power-up rather than the Butler bot. The Butler bot supported wildcards in list names; however, t...
Can you do a wildcard search on part of a number in a custom text field? Example, I have a Reference field with values such as CR1234. User is trying to narrow down and search by this reference n...
Trello's Email-to-Board feature is fantastic and almost perfect. However, it is very inconvenient to send an email message to my board, but then having to go back into Trello just to set the due date...
I am trying to search on partial text but it is not returning any results. For example, the title of my card is WR12345. If I search on 12345, I get nothing. I have to include the "WR" to get the car...
...o List board). My wildcards don't seem to work. I'm trying to: Every time a card is added to a board under the "{name of board here} - To Dos", it's copied to board To Do List under the same list n...
Hey all! I want to be able to add a due date to a card via typing a number in the card name. So if I type: "Email bob on #1" as the card name (with the "#" just being an arbitrary symbol for the wildcard...
I made a board button that Creates 2 cards (one new card and one is a copy of another card on the board) that I need to complete a Purchase Order process. What I need to happen next is have the 2 ne...
...rom Advanced Search > Custom (Questions), using Search: labelText:security (or with * wildcard on either side, or any variation of wildcard *) results in ONLY specific "security" labels. In o...
Good Day Atlassian Community, We have a Wildcard SSL Cert that Certifies all of our sub-domains. We have Confluence running on a Windows Server 2016 Instance using the supplied .exe to i...
Oh my god jira is awful. The more I use the more constraint/bugs I find =| I'm using cloud and trying to do simples searches like these: project in (PRDWDL) AND summary ~ "deploy?23" project in (...
Hello, I want to search in comments in 1 specific project and expect to use wildcards, but "?" and "*" don't do the tric for me. Please help? The string I want to search on is "v2017_50_2_BO_UG". V...
Hello, It is possible to change the "Epic name" field in the view mode of the issue. Is it possible to search in the existing values of Epic names using wildcards? So, not in filters, but in de v...
Hi, Ive got the below working great, rest/api/2/search?jql=cf[17008]~123456 But there can sometimes be a Location prefix in front of the value, is it possible to include some kind of wildcard c...
Hi everyone, Looking for help with the correct syntax on using a wildcard in the Label field. JIRA version: 6.2.2 I have close to fifty(50) unique labels I'm using to categorize JIRA tickets b...
Trying to perform a wildcard text search on the fixversion field and can't do it since it's not a text field.. Saw some solutions for Jira Server but none for Jira Cloud, can it be done? swap the order of TYPE and TITLE Wildcards do not seem to work: ·"E... records with either part number in the field. The next question will be how to perform the same search with a wildcard; i.e. 123* or 456*
Hi All, I am trying to filter out JIRA-Zephyr test cases which are having the summary as below. Abc-efg-02-pqrst-XXXXX Requirement is to list out all test cases which are having summary as Ab...
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