So my data is blank in the wbs gantt-chart for start and end dates. This is causing issues when migrating the info to Microsoft project. How can I fix this?
I would like to per filled our Gantt Chart fields by subtask templates like that: Circuit diagram / assignee:"@current"; duedate:"@now+1m"; customfield_10181:"@now"; Enddatum(WBSGantt):"@no...
Hi all. tell me how to solve the problem with displaying filters in the WBS Gantt chart? One error constantly pops up, it is impossible to work. Screenshot attached. Filters are working, without er...
Hi all, I'm setting up a project with the following hierarchy: Epic A Story A Sub-task 01 Sub-task 02 Sub-task 03 Story B Sub-task 04 Sub-task 05 Story C Sub-task 06 Epic A's ...
Color of bar in WBS gantt chart should change according to the due date. If the Due date have been passed and task is still not done the bar should be RED and if the Task is on going and due date is ...
In the app configuration there is a possibility to set up Gantt Scheme. How do I assign a specific scheme to an existing gantt chart?
Hi everyone. I use the WBS Gantt Chart App to make Gantt charts on my projects. Once I finish the planning, I save it and exit the Gantt. When I enter again in the same Gantt, however, I get the mes...
I'm using in parent issues Contains link role and in child issues have is contained in role in use. I'm thinking that I should be able to see the tree structure, but I'm not. Do I assume incorre...
Hello community, I have a question regarding the WBS Gantt Chart Plugin (version I have activated the auto-correct schedule function and now the start and end dates of some issues have c...
Divide et impera. The divide and conquer strategy was applied by Julius Caesar to conquer the divided Gaul twenty-two centuries ago. Today, it is still used in various fields such as politics, sociol...
Hi, I have my plan in WBS Gantt Chart and was wondering if there is a way to attach as a macro in confluence. Thanks addon-jp.ricksoft.plugins.wbsgantt-for-jira
While importing the MS project file to environment A, it occurs an error message. However, using the same MS project file, I can import successfully to environment B. The version of WBS Gantt in both...
I have the wbs-gantt installed on jira cloud. I am not able to create versions for the project. It is greyed out. Jump to wbs-gantt bar is disabled for me
So the blurb WBS Gantt from Ricksoft seamlessly imports from MS Project. Tried it - No resource imported, No Dependencies Imported, No Custom Fields Imported, just basic information, and only works ...
We are evaluating WBS Gantt to work alongside JIRA and Confluence. It works in many ways but one issue is that it has created a whole host of new options in the Task "More" button that are 1. not nee...
I am not able to see any changes in percentage done in WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira cloud version. It shows always 0. I need to get it resolved as soon as possible. If you can show in screen shots, step ...
Hi dear community, I wanted to ask the following question, to those colleagues, working with WBS Gantt chart. Is there any possibility to assign a successor/child issue/task from the list of existin...
Hello. I'm not an advanced user of Gantt-like software, but I'm used to setting up the three basic things: Task duration, dependencies, and resource distribution. I'm testing the WBS Gantt Chart fo...
Hi, I changed default start date and finish date values from issue view- ghant configuraiton menu. It changed on just mine ghant view . But the others on same project hasnt same view(dates) wi...
When i start to create a Gantt chart from the project, I cant and appears the next advertisement
Hello, When I create a new issue the format in Start/End Date is MM/DD/YY. I would like to change it to DD/MM/YY. Please advise the attached picture. Can I change the format? *Also I am using...
Hello, I have installed the WBS Gantt Chart application and I was wondering if I can completely hide the Task List (left panel). I want to view the Gantt chart in full view without the Tasks on the ...
Hi. Is it possible to calculate Time Spent automatically by taking the sum logged times of all the sub tasks? For example. if A is Epic which is a main task and A1 and A2 its subtasks. When...
I need to retrieve in excel or Like-Excel Spreadsheet the WBS Code to order the issues sames as sorted out in WBS Gantt-Chart. I can't find the name of the column in the issue list, or elsewhere eith...
Is there any chance for the WBS Gantt to filter out some issues types? we use other plugins and I'd not like to see on the gantt chart Issue Types like Risks or Bugs. Don't see any option to do that
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