When I perform a text search in jira for the word "ageism" it returns results that include the word "age" in their description and/or summary. When I perform this same search with something like "a...
Hello! When I write a comment and move the words to the next line using shift+enter, I have a large gap between them, tell me how to fix this?
We currently use Adobe Acrobat Standard DC to add comments (text) to pdfs and save. We then attach pdf to jira issue for documentation. When we click on the attachment for viewing in j...
Hi we have just been updated to 9.1 and all the metadata as gone dark and bold. This is not what was wanted so how to we turn it off and back to normal? A bug or a feature no one asked for? &nb...
Is there a way to get the old markup editor back (and switch off the rich text editor). Since the old editor went away I find my self wasting lots of time correcting what the RTE thinks is b...
Hi Community, I have created a Select List (Multi-Choose) field with 10 options, and 10 Text fields. The Text fields should hide/ show based on the selected options present in Select List (Multi-C...
...tatus,"OPEN"))}}, which need to be reviewed by {{#reviewers}}{{name}}{{/}}{{/}}\n{{/}} The expected result should be a text like this: • John Doe's open PR with id #1, which needs t...
...ttempting to send an email, I'm aiming to include the value (text) of the smart value field. My understanding is that these are dynamic values that can be used in various contexts. {{issue.fixVersions.name...
I have an automation that creates a Jira Issue. In the Description I want to have some text that is preformatted. The markdown for this is double braces (e.g. {{monospaced text}} ) but that is also t...
Hello everyone, I have a 'Text Field (multi-line)' field and I want to change from the default text renderer to wiki style renderer. From other posts in the atlassian community and support, I've f...
I use one story as template to create others, using the CLONING native feature. However, whenever I clone a story with tables that contain header-type text, the cloned story comes with a m...
Hello, it appears that the custom fields on our cards face are now white text. Previously they were black. All I can see on the face is the Cover color and "Title" field. As y...
Hi Team, My Quetion is ' script runner" which template to choose for "Drop down" field , I could not found any option for "Dropdown" list feild or "SelectList" field type? How to pass a text...
Hi everyone, Since the last Trello update, I have been struggling with the text editor. I find it nice that I can now edit my text (bold, italic and co) directly in the card description. It’s g...
Hi Everyone - I hope you all are having a nice day! :) I use Trello to track active work orders throughout the day. One of the custom fields that I have created is 'Start Mileage' -- This is where t...
I'm interested in the implementation of search in jira. Where can I read about how full-text search works in Jira? Does jira run a separate full text database instance? (like: elasticsearch, s...
Hi, We would like to find a way for 100 projects to provide their status update (text) every two weeks on Advanced Roadmap. Is there any way to apply a template to the text field. In another word, m...
...ssue to a Word Doc or PDF I see the "non-rich text" version of this data. For example: What needs to be done to have this show up in Word or PDF as rich text? Does it need to b...
Hey, does anybody know how I can align text from right to left inside the TOC? I'm familiar with the laning trick everyone uses to get the TOC to the right side of the page and this is not what I'm l...
...rigger). My question is ... under Actions, is there a way to "find a card that contains the text ____ " rather than finding a card "titled ___"? Because if, for example, a card is titled "M...
Hi, A few days ago I created a custom field in jira and set the type to Text Field (multi-line) Today I need to create another custom field as the same type for a Release Notes section. H...
We use Jira Software Cloud. We'd like to be able to have a highlight color on text. So the text might be black (or whatever color), but it would be highlighted in a different color. Yellow, red, g...
I have added two example Custom Fields SomeNumber_asText as a Text Field (single line) SomeNumber_asNumber as a Number Field Both have their respective default S...
On create-screen all textarea fields work like single line - i can't do text line break. How to fix this problem and what's the reason? Thank you!
I am working on getting some recipes and auto-replies set up, and would like to use some text formatting to make things look better. Is that an option? I can’t seem to find any info on this. &n...
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