Hi, I am looking for a good plug in or other ways to integrate a Jira DC instance with SVN (subversion). Current information is very limited, only finding old posts. A...
Hello, I am migrating a codebase from SVN to GIt to be hosted on bitbucket. I am following the instructions on https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-overview I can generate a g...
I want to add svn repository to jira please help
Hello everyone, at my last place of employment, we had the Windows version of SourceTree, I loved it! At my new job, we have Mac and they use SVN. I downloaded the Mac version (w...
Following the guide is difficult because some texts are missing in code sections. Example: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-share Is there any place to report this?
Good morning, please could you help me about a question on migration from svn to git preserving branch, trunk and tags. Executing this command: git svn clone --authors-file=authors.txt --trunk=/t...
My SVN repositories have the following format: my.url.com/svn/project1/trunk/ my.url.com/svn/project1/branches/branch1/ my.url.com/svn/project1/branches/branch2/ my.url.com/svn/project1/tags/t...
Hi , Please guide me, how i can migrate SVN large size repository into GIT . I have tried using Git Clone method but its not working due to Big Data size .currently trying to use SVN export d...
Hi , I have SVN repository (Data Size ~1.4 TB). I want to migarte it to Git .But due to heavy data size Git Clone method which i was referring 'https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/m...
We are trying to move an on-premise SVN repo to an on-premise GIT report (Bitbucket). Atlassian have instructions: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-prepare We are using a D...
We are in a process to change to use SVN repositories via HTTPS instead of HTTP. When changing configuration in Bamboo build server to use https and then change the builds to use the HTTPS SVN url i...
I recently migrated my code repository from SVN to bitbucket and issue tracker from TeamForge to Jira. Is there a way I can link the existing commits that were migrate over from SVN to Bitbucket a...
Hello, We have a Visual SVN with 2.1 version and would like to migrate all the repositories and users with set of permissions to Bit Bucket. Do you have any tool or procedure to work on t...
Hello, I'm using the Git SVN command to convert svn remote folder to Git but I did not succeed. I'm supposing that Git SVN migration tool works only on svn url (HTTP calls). Have anyone s...
bulk edit to svn credentials update is not working
We want to migrate to git from SVN. Our artifacts are not mergeable (unsortable XML files from a third party), binaries and images. Does anyone have an idea on how to coordinate such work? In SVN...
...imple 13-Jul-2020 04:51:49 Working directory 'C:\wc\FC' is empty. Checking out SVN URL 'http://svn01.dev.e2open.com/svn/e2open/FC/qa/platform/tools/testing/selenium' simple 13-Jul-2020 04:53:24 U...
Hello everyone, I am migrating one repository from svn to Git using git-svn tool. I want to apply on-fly CRLF to LF conversion while migrating the repository. Would it be possible to perform t...
I just used the atlassian instructions to migrate a SVN repo to a Git repo. I want to confirm/validate the migration (ie: . It would basically pull from the two repositories, and compare t...
Hei, Imaybe there is someone out there with a similar constellation: I've following situation: SVN + SVNMirror + Bitbucket SVN repositories are defined in Bitbucket via SVNMirror, Poll interval 0...
Is it possible to have the JIRA log automatically pick up SVN commits that mention the JIRA Issue in SVN Commit Log ?
I am getting below error while running git svn clone command.Please advise. git svn clone --branches=/BRANCHES/XXXX --archives=/ARCHIVES/BRANCHES/XXXX --archives=/ARCHIVES/BRANCHES/ZZZZ --trunk=/T...
Hello community! Can you please help to understand if integration between SVN and JIRA Software is possible and how? Any link would be really helpful. Thanks
Hi, When trying to download the SvnFeeder.zip file on https://opusettempus.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/com.matrixreq.svnpluginpro/configure I end up with a file which is 0 bytes in size. O...
Hello, I have installed Subversion ALM and SQL+JQL Driver and App in Jira. I'm looking for some example on how to read SVN data (like committed revision) and show that value in a custom f...
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