...n the Description, and scroll down and Save, on save the page focus jumps to the middle of the comments section. This is really annoying and disrupting workflow I can't see that this h...
I found that there is no tool bar in the bottom where "Preview, Save, Close, or Publish" buttons are. In this case there is no other way to save the document, though all changed are saved a...
I have created filters in the past to display tickets that meet various parameters. Now, when I go to Filters > select my filter name > it displays my JQL, but there isn't an option to Save...
I made a list inside a JIRA project. (attached) All I want to do is to save it that way and be able to send it to other users. How do I do that?
...evelopment process. Related to that, it is whole heartedly annoying that in 2022 Confluence requires an edit and save actions. It is an editor, let me click on the page exactly where I want to edit. A...
I am unable to save any changes to the workflow I make. tried with other admins on the same project, and they had the same issue, meaning the issue's with the project, not with my account. W...
I followed the instructions here: https://blog.trello.com/slack-power-up-trello-alerts However, it won't save when I change which boxes are checked. I click "Done", but nothing h...
I am currently confronted with more and more requests that attachments (mostly images) are no longer displayed on an existing wiki page after a change has been made on the page. instead of the prev...
We use Chrome and/or the desktop Trello app. I have 8 team members each with their own board and cards for each client of theirs. I then have 5 support staff that access and support each ...
I configured, that every 30 seconds a page is safed, also the draft pages. But if I close my tab and want to restore my work, I have no content. How does it could be? We are hosting Conflu...
I keep having issues trying to save longer pages in Confluence. I tried removing images, copying text into plain text and removing links and still having issues. I was able to save more text when I c...
Hi, Since last friday, I'm having issues when writing comments with screenshots attached to them, on our Jira cloud. Its not systematic, but I got a message "we couldn't save your comment". The s...
Hello, we are on JIRA cloud with the New Editor and have noticed a number of issues. 1. When we updated our Stories - and hit SAVE and go back the new updates are not on the card but t...
How can we remove the "save" and "Cancel"? Before I wrote on the description and as soon as I went on another issues, it was saved automatically. Now with the update I can't do this anymore. H...
I'm trying to write a Multi Project Picker custom field using plugin development. I have pulled all the projects and listed in the UI and saved the custom field with two projects. everything was s...
Every time I try to change the default icon under the Project Details section, I receive the following error message after upload: "There was a network problem and the project details were not update...
...een them, either. I've been reading about descriptions being lost when people forget to save them, but what about whole CARDS? Once I make a card, it should always be there until deleted, right?&n...
...ifferent computers and browsers so I don't think it's isolated. What happens is this: I write a document in the Confluence editor, and the whole time the auto-save seems to be happening. There's no m...
I have an instance where, after some hours of data entry, either the server hung or communications with the server was lost. During the endit session I used the standard Confluence "Save D...
There have been quite a few times when I wrote up an entire description or comment and moved away without saving, then forgot to go back and save before I closed Trello. I know that's p...
I don't see an option to download a video to my iOS via my Trello App. I can download posted pics from Trello to iOS but I don't see this option for uploaded videos.. Please help. &nb...
1st issue- No auto-save When I am on google hangouts, using discourse, hell even my IRC handler, what I type is saved. If i move the focus of the input away to something else for a second all that i...
Hi JIRA, I am trying to customize my dashboard with custom filters, but every time I try to save my new Advanced filter it erases my changes. Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 4.37.44 PM.png -- Screen S...
Recently, I started having issue in confluence where I can't save any pages or templates once I add a table to them. the issue started when I used the Page Properties Macro and added a table to it. T...
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