Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×It's time to re-think that. Let me explain why: Most people associate “presenting” with PowerPoint. But that doesn’t mean it’s the best way to communicate everything—especially roadmaps. ...
Hello, I tried to make my confluence fully public, but unfortunately, I can't... I want people to see all my content, but instead, they see only the main page. Pleas help me ASAP, because that's v...
...onfluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/control-anonymous-user-access-975034642.html https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-control-anonymous-user-access-in-a-public-jira-server-or-data-center-i...
We have both Confluence and Jira cloud each of which has Public / Anonymous access enabled (with IP whitelisting). This works well for those users that simply need read-only access to C...
I want to share a page with an embedded database as a public link. But the database content is restricted when the link is opened by an external user. Is there a way to share this publicly?
Hello, I'm trying to set my team's Jira software project to public, and after seeing that I'd need to upgrade my Jira account to the Standard plan in order to change roles and project permissions, I...
Hi everyone, Is it possible to create a public board without a sign-in from users needed to view it? I'm trying to create an asset library for a campaign, so want it to be really easy f...
The public links WILL work in anonymous spaces... providing the page does not contain elements from other spaces/pages that are not publicly accessible. In my case outlined below, my page f...
Hello :) I have 2 public spaces. Let's call them A and B. Space A has a page called WorkA Space B has a page called WorkB (with content from WorkA using /include page) I link page WorkB in S...
...est of all, Released Roadmaps are available today to all Released customers at no additional cost. Take a look at our public roadmap for a live demo or learn more about how r...
...eleased to share your JPD roadmap publicly. 1️⃣ Add a custom checkbox field to your Jira Product Discovery project. Let's call it “Hide from public roadmap. 2️⃣ Add a filter in your Released R...
...ore observers to the board but we cannot pay for them. Should I make the board public instead? Will that give free access (no charge to us or them)? If yes how do I share a public board? T...
I don't see a button to share the views externally. I am an administrator for our JPD project. Are there some other prerequisities for this feature?
DO users of a public board also see the powerups that are installed with the template or will they have to download them on their own?
Hi all, When making a site public, can I set the page name included in URL to an arbitrary name different from the page title? My page title is in 2-byte characters, but I would like to include a...
Hi, the portal view of JSM can be visible to customers (with email) or even being set public as far as I know. How can I make it independent from the viewer (public or customer) not having to p...
Hello- I have opening up one of my projects to the public . JIRA cloud; software project There are some fields that are mandatory for internal users when creating tickets. However for e...
I have a project amongst many in my JIRA cloud side that I would like to make public. How do i configure in such a way that certain fields on the screen like sprint , estimation , or other c...
hi, there guys it is really frustrating, when I try to make a board public it instead goes to private, sharing option are correct though and please don't give me a link to a tutorial explaining j...
I want to set up pipelines for building an application. I built a custom container for the build but can't pull the container (public repository). I am using a basic pipeline that just pulls a c...
Hey! If I take a free trial and make my space public, will it remain public after the trial if I don't pay anymore? Thank you ^_^
Hi all, is it possible to enable "public notices" on a role-based system? Background: Support receives tech tickets, of which some become "feature improvements" to R&D. Here tickets are "t...
...nce in a centralized area. I went ahead and made some saved filters and the dashboard. I made all of these publicly visible "Anyone on the internet. No sign-in required". To test to see if they can a...
I want to share a page publicly, so that anyone can view it. I only want to share 2-3 pages like this, I want the rest of pages keep only visible to members of our space. I understand public...
I am trying to make my page public and have followed the steps here (https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/share-content-externally-with-public-links/) and have the global options t...
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