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×🔐 Can I store confidential data like passwords? 👥 Can I control who has access to the stored data? 🛡️ Can that data be encrypted? 📜 Can I check who viewed/modified the password...
I created my Trello account a while ago, meaning around 10 years ago, and back then I chose to sing up directly with gmail. Hence, not creating a password for Trello. And here's the issue, I want t...
Worth noting that the password reset isn't even triggering as nothing showing in MS365 message trace either
Buenas Di de alta una cuenta en Trello y tengo el email y contraseña de ese tablero pero me manda un mensaje con una clave numérica a este correo pero ya no tengo acceso ya que ha desa...
Não estou recebendo email de recuperação de senha, nem de confirmação de email. Meu e-mail é alex.ramos@ultralims.com.br, alguém poderia me ajudar?
So we are migrating email, and currently have SSO and we are changing IdP and email. My question is, what happens if I turn off SSO in Jira cloud? Will it prompt users to enter a new password...
An associate at my company is unable to access our Trello board. She said she has been prompted for a password, but doesn't remember what her password is. How can I help her perform a password r...
Hi, I'm having some trouble with changing the password for one of our external users, the user is a bot and we need to get it up and running again and when i went to change the password, the o...
I was really badly surprise to see my password display in the URL when i click on Bitbucket from JIRA or Confluence. https://bitbucket.org/my-atlassian-passord-in-clear/workspace/overview t...
...We’ve streamlined the authentication process by providing an intuitive user experience that saves time and reduces user friction. There’s also the added bonus of reducing the number of reset password...
Can I set password expiry for email Invitation only external users? We are running on DataCenter 8.20.10. For Internal Employees we are using active Directory. But for external users that some t...
Quero colocar uma senha diferente para cada quadro. E possível?
I want to set our own password policy on Atlassian access and would like to check if there is a possibility to prevent the user from using a number of previous passwords. in the below l...
Hello, i need help. suddenly i was logout @ opsgenie. i try to login but the messsage bad credentials is comming after login. i tried to get a new password create mail. But no m...
Hi, I can't login anymore with my account <email_removed_for_privacy>, moreover I can't receaving the reset password email. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance
Hi. Jira doesn't allow me to type my password on Chrome. It works on Edge and Incognito mode on Chrome, I have already cleared the cookies for atlassian but it still doens't work....
To automate deployment, I need to provide a URL to a file on BitBucket Download. As the receiving service has no functionality to add a header, the authentication must be included in the URL.  ...
Password security is very important in today’s digital world. Atlassian allows you to create a secure environment by letting admins set password policies for users which specify the number of c...
We have Jira server version 8.14.0 We have configured LDAP user directory Directory type: OpenLDAP In Ldap we want to use ssha512 password encryption In configured LDAP directory in j...
После неоднократного ввода пароля отказ в регистрации в приложении Trello. В чем ошибка? Спасибо!
Hi, please help me to stop Confluence to automatically log me in. (Safety reasons) I told Firefox never save that password. I checked Firefox if there's a password for Confluence (Answer: no). B...
I've been trying to reset password for this account but I haven't received any email.I says that the email was sent but I havn't received it. I do receive every other email inclsing marketing m...
I'm trying reset password for this account but I haven;t received any email. I've tried mutiple times and in the email preference I've enabled all. Still no luck.
Hi Have a Trello account. I get an email from atlassian and suddenly all my passwords are changed. Wh on earth are you guys? Give me Trello back
I was looking to see if, given a user's username and password, a request could be made to the confluence API that will verify whether or not the user's username and password combination is valid a...
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