Hi, we are trying to automate tickets from our shared mailbox, but it requires a password that we don't have as a shared mailbox doesn't require a password. Could you please assist? T...
Microsoft announced that Exchange Online legacy tokens are deprecated in February 2025. This means that all add-ins relying on these tokens must switch to the new Entra ID authentication system to re...
Hello Team, I'm looking for a free of charge solution to integrate Jira Service Management request calendar with Outlook (or other such as SharePoint, Confluence etc.) calendar to have all requests ...
I saw several older posts recognizing the Outlook 365 calendar could not be integrated with the data server version of Jira/Tempo. Is this still the case?
Hi, I want to link Outlook and Teams to automatically create tickets in JIRA. Ex: If we receive mail from the Client to create a ticket, the ticket should be created automatically with the help of...
You used to be able to drag and drop an email into a comment on Jira. I recently switched to the 'new' Outlook, and you can no longer drag and drop the email. you have to save the email and attach i...
I want to sync my outlook 365 calendar with confluence cloud team calendar, how can that be achieved? Whenever I'll update any event in my outlook calendar it should reflect in confluence team calend...
Hi, I want to ask about this particular situation and need your help. My customer would like to view the description of the ticket that we created from Outlook. My customer prefers not to log...
Hi community! I have a problem with my Jira - Outlook integration. I use Jira software and have downloaded the "Jira Cloud for Outlook" app. I want to create a Jira issue from a...
Hi everyone, We have a recently taken our first service project live. It creates issues from emails it pulls from a Support email inbox in Outlook. Our old ticket system was configured to move emai...
I used to receive the daily email reminders for Trello tasks assigned to me but these are no longer coming through. I have checked the 'trouble shooting' suggestions but everything appears to be in o...
The current Power-Up isn't working for me
Hi, I am using the Jira cloud integration with Outlook to attach emails to the different Jira tickets. However, when further communication is being made on the same email thread - it's not being up...
JIRA Cloud integration isn't available for Outlook (Office 365) anymore. I used the Add in to create issues directly from emails and add issues to e-mails directly. This was available directly in out...
Hello! When we define a freeze window that lasts more than a day (or an entire day), it´s view in changes calendar makes dificult to see other events that lasts less. In Microsoft...
We were blocked from using the integration with Outlook - The reason is straightforward. "The password being passed in clear text was explicitly why it was never integrated."
Hello. im trying to implement trello in a craft business. my problem is i need more than one appointment per card. It would be nice if i can add a few appointments in my trello card and it syncs wit...
Did you know that Microsoft Office 365 controls nearly half of the office productivity software market? With that in mind, it makes sense that many businesses worldwide are relying on it to...
Hi, I want to sync Trello and Outlook calendar. When I am in Trello (and Planyway) everything is fine. The event from Outlook showing fine. And the card from Trello also showing fine. When I am in...
Bonjour à toutes et tous, Dans le cadre de nos missions, nous travaillons sur 3 boites mail partagées avec des thématiques différentes, dans lesquelles nos collaborateurs nous font des demandes dive...
Hello Jira Community, could someone please enlighten me on the different Jira Adds in in outlook. I see there is Jira for Outlook, Jira Plugin for Outlook (OTJ Jira for Outlook), and Jira Cloud for...
People have become pretty dependent on the "Software as a Service" market, to the extent that Statistica predicts it will be worth around $195.21 billion by the end of 2023. It also means t...
It appears Mac is not supported when using Trello with Outlook Calendars (iCal). Reference: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/using-trello-with-microsoft-outlook/ ...
I'm trying to find a solution to help me use both Outlook and Trello interchangeably. I'd like to be able to create a task in Outlook that generates a Trello card (which I can do with po...
I linked our support email address today (support@company.com) via Project Settings > Email Requests > Microsoft All is working well on pulling emails in from Outlook to Jira. However ...
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