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×...e worked on. Let's call them Dupe1 and Dupe2. Then what i need is for Dupe1 and Dupe2 to be merged into Master at a future time e.g. Dupe1 m...
Hi all, I have two PageList Tables with Labels and I want to merge them: One table pages as Columns, the other as rows And mark the fields with an "X"where the labels from one table are t...
When merging, I can only resolve a single conflicting file at a time using the menu items Resolve Conflicts/Resolve Using "Theirs". If I select multiple files and either right-click to access that f...
...lso contains files named the same appspec.yml, buildspec.yml, commonfile.txt, and scripts folder. My use-case: Here, I make a lot of changes in the files of the stag branch and then merge t...
Pretty sure this is a newbie question, but I really don't know so I'm going to ask. I have an old feature branch (call it B) that hasn't been touched in about six months, because other project...
Hello, Our organization has a requirement to run unit test cases for the Python code in some of our repositories. However, we do not use Bitbucket pipelines, so we need to explore alternative ...
Hi! I've been building out a project management space in Confluence and have 2 different gantt charts for 2 different projects. I want to combine/merge the gantt charts into one chart so that there i...
...rovide you the full functionality of rebase and merge within the Bitbucket UI to help you manage your Git history according to your team's preferences. These new options have been among our most h...
I have 3 different projects and 'n' number of issue types in it In that 'n' number of issue types (let's assume issue types n1, n2, n3...) I need to merge the duplicate tickets - t...
Hello ! I have an issue with multiple branches on multiple repositories. I want to create an automation rule on merge action when all pull requests are merged. I configured the f...
I'm looking at my newest pull request and no button shows up to approve it (nor to merge it, for that matter). How do I merge it? I am the owner and sole user and have not changed any settings.
...evel overview of Bitbucket cloud features with a closer look at the PR process and Bitbucket pipes. Learn about merge checks, AI code review, security scans, and how to automatically assign reviewers b...
Before today, whenever I make a PR using bitbucket UI, the checklist on for "Delete {branch-name} after the pull request is merged" is unchecked by default which is perfectly meet my team's workflow....
My Pull Request to a protected branch shows "You will need to resolve conflicts to be able to merge", but I locally I checked and it can be merged cleanly if I use `git merge -s recursive -X o...
Hello, I am creating a merge check that will block the merge button in case there is a ongoing build on master. I am trying to do this in script runner but since its running in Groovy sandbox I c...
So as you can see I want to be the only one person who can do merge on master branch, but other user was able to do merge without any questions or pull requests.., just via regular commit.&n...
Hey guys, I would like to add Jira Issue for my merged PRs Is there a way possible to doing this?
As far as I know rescoping is evaluated on all OPEN pull requests. Recently I came to know that Bitbucket has introduced DRAFT state and READY FOR REVIEW state. I want to know, 1. Whether r...
...verything is fine with it, I think. A couple of builds for projects with development and master branches are failing. For some reason when building development branch on new Bamboo, it tries to merge i...
...here certain branches (for example, those prefixed with auto-merge/ ) can be automatically merged into a target branch (like develop ) after passing all required status checks and meeting specific c...
I've branched to work on a feature. Let's call it feature-branch. Now I want to merge ALL of the changes on that branch, and I mean - the whole shebang - into my master branch? So, I start by c...
We have transitions from "To Do" to "In Progress" when a branch is created from a Jira-linked issue and to "Done" when a merge is completed, but how do we transition to "In Review" when the merge r...
Bitbucket offers several merge strategies, amongst the Squash and Squash, Fast-forward only (docs); the latter was apparently introduced by BCLOUD-16338 . I don't quite understand the d...
We are merging two DC instances and the source instance uses the Multi-Level Cascading Select app. https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/5008/multi-level-cascading-select?hosting=datacenter&ta...
When wiil came option to marge cards? I have some Ideas how to make it. - first one, just make wizard where user will chose each element (with original timestamp) like comment, checklist, attac...
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