According to CCW Digital, customer experience and customer service management are the priority for over 50% of organizations. Obviously, it's important to pay attention to both these aspects bec...
...arketplace vendor and Atlassian Solution Partner that has been doing lots of work in ITSM. What do they do? Deviniti is an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner and Atlassian Gold Top V...
As we already know from the previous articles about Help Center and Request Form, we need to take advantage of both native and advanced customization to improve the customer experience...
In the first part of this series, we focused on the first touch point of our customers whenever they come to us for support - the Help Center. As we've learned from there, Jira Service Desk...
The latest Winter Executive Report by Customer Contact Week Digital shows that reducing customer effort is the most important priority for 2018. CX Network confirms that modern co...
Hi all, I'm curious as to what other orgs are doing from an application portfolio perspective within Jira. I'm hoping to create a portfolio of applications within Jira that could include ...
Hello Atlassian Community, I am currently working on a proof of concept to implement Jira Service Desk Cloud as our ITSM tool and I would like to get your opinion on which add-on/solution to i...
...ocumentation made public for the users of our systems. These documents cover a lot of the common tasks they do in the systems. Thanks, Curtis!
The Jira Service Desk team is looking for and sharing stories from teams using the tool for innovative use cases in HR, Legal, Finance, Marketing, etc. in order to help traditional users (IT admins) ...
hi all, as a process manager who was spontaneously nominated to be a jira admin as well (yeey) I am seeking for some experience with ITSM in jira. My tasks over the last months was to o...
Today, we're introducing many new apps to the Atlassian Marketplace that improve collaboration and automate manual processes. We are also launching new ways to help you discover the right tools for y...
I enjoyed speaking at Atlassian Euro Summit this year and wanted to share my Lighting Talk with the community. As a solution engineer I enjoy meeting with customers and learning ...
We are following the ITSM methodology in our JIRA Service Desk. Our customers must etner Urgency and Impact and we will calculate Priority but we then need to show Urgency, Impact and Priority in t...
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