During the setup of confluence data center in a kubernetes cluster in azure via the helm chart, I get the following error : Caused by: com.atlassian.secrets.api.SecretServiceException: Error a...
Hi Folks, I recently setup a K8S cluster in my lab. added atlassians helm repo got database up and running got nfs up and running got relevant nginx-ingress up and running I i...
Hi Team, I have downloaded the helm from Artifactory. configured the values.yaml : 1. DB is hosted in Azure. 2. Created Local and shared home while deploying JIRA pod is working fine, able to a...
Hi, I'm using terraform to deploy helm charts to AWS EKS for data center products in general, JIRA as the first application specifically. During deployment receiving Error: Kubernetes cluster u...
Hello Community~ We are pleased to announce the latest release of Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.21.0. This update introduces several feature enhancements to elevate your Kubernetes deployments....
Hello, I'm trying to install and test Bitbucket helm chart on a k8s cluster hosted on a VM on our DataCenter. I have followed all the steps from the installation page but i skipped t...
Since Jira 9.11 attachments could be stored in S3 Bucket instead of the filesystem. The current helm charts on artifacthub supports 9.12.11 Based on this two versions I don't see a...
We're pleased to announce that Bitbucket DC Helm chart v1.20 onwards comes with an optional OpenSearch sub-chart. When opensearch.install is enabled in your Helm values file, the Bitbucket Helm c...
Dear community, We're thrilled to announce the latest release of our Helm charts for Data Center (DC) Apps, featuring enhanced support for OpenSearch in Confluence. This update aligns with the r...
Hello Team, I am working on migrating jira running on an EC2 to k8s using this chart https://github.com/atlassian/data-center-helm-charts/tree/main/src/main/charts/jira I have set t...
Hello, i just try to use azure interactive login for helm deployment and package errors with following errors: Switched to context "aks". kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l spn //c...
Hello, Can you add support for non-interactive login with your pipe script of azure-aks-helm-deploy by variable AZURE_LOGIN_NON_INTERACTIVE as in azure-aks-deploy Thank you for any kind o...
Hi all! I was looking at the documentation for the Jira Data Center Helm Charts, and on the Limitations page, there are two issues that are identified as blockers for horizontal s...
👋🏼 Hello Community! Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.16.0 have been released today. There are a a couple of improvements and new features which are worth mentioning: OpenShift friendly JMX init c...
We are pleased to announce the latest release of Atlassian DC Helm Charts 1.14.0. This update introduces several valuable features and enhancements to elevate your Kubernetes deployments. Let's e...
Dear Community, We are thrilled to announce the release of Atlassian Data Center Helm Charts version 1.13.0. This release comes packed with a few exciting new features that introduce o...
Following Jira DC EKS Chart to add additional volume to handle attachments for a Jira cluster inside EKS, it seems there's a typo in additionalVolumeMounts, which needs a '- name' key instead o...
Hi all, I have the DC bamboo server and bamboo agent containers both at version 9.2.1-jdk11. I'm using the helm chart to start both containers. There are no errors in the b...
Hello, Data Center Community! As part of our plans for continued investments in deployment on Kubernetes environments, we are excited to share that Data Center Helm Charts now officially supports C...
Hi All, Is there a complete list of optional variables that can be used for "azure-aks-helm-deploy:2.0.0" e.g - HELM_VERSION; HELM_RELEASE_NAME, etc'. Regards Asaf.
Hi all, We have Confluence running in GKE which was deployed using the Atlassian data-center helm chart. Now we want to enable collaborative editing but setting synchrony enabled to true is not w...
Hello Team, I have installed jira-service-management on GKE cluster using jira DataCenter helm chart following the procedure given at https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-M...
...ersion is v9.6, and I want to also upgrade that to the latest available version. I have a testing environment where I've stood up another v7.4.17 environment, identically deployed via automated Helm c...
I am trying to use our Bitbucket repository as Helm repository. Is there any step by step documentation to achieve the same. Thanks in Advance!
Hi guys, We have a problem with our pipeline. We need to create a dynamic helmfile.yaml with a python script in pipeline, and use artifacts to pass to another step and run helmfile apply If I r...
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