We use Grafana alerts heavily in Opsgenie. With the Grafana integration not supported in JSM, how have you worked around this limitation? https://support.atlassian.com/jira-service-m...
...eature allows for seamless scraping of JMX metrics by Prometheus, enabling you to gain deeper insights into application performance and simplify troubleshooting. ConfigMaps with Grafana D...
We are using Prometheus for app monitoring. Recently I found out that the metrics "created/updated issues" do not match the numbers I get from JQL query in Jira (for instance, after bulk edit of seve...
Can we embed a confluence calendar in grafana dashboard?
Hi , Is there a way to visualize Jira data (Issue Status, Time logged in for a issue etc.), not particularly JVM Metrics? Without the use of any expensive add-ons, gadgets or plugins I am looking f...
Is it possible to automate the incident's creation through the integration with other channels like cloudwatch, Grafana, PRTG or slack? We can't find some documentation about it.
We've had some issues with alerts from Grafana integrations going missing in OpsGenie due to unintended alert de-duplication. There are issues with the OpsGenie-Grafana integration for a setup with m...
Hello! We have Jira Software and Confluence, we have a task of creating cool monitoring with Zabbix and Grafana. Of course, we plan to control basic system metrics, such as: HTTP-A...
Hello! We have Jira Software and Confluence, we have a task of creating cool monitoring with Zabbix and Grafana. Of course, we plan to control basic system metrics, such as: HTTP-A...
Hi there, I have 2 questions to ask regarding GrafanaV2 integration: 1. Is it possible to get included in the alert chart image (snapshot) to be parsed? If so, how can I get it? According t...
Can I preview image that comes with grafana alert on incident window (in extra properties)?
I'm using Grafana 6.5.2 and I'd like to map each configured alert in Grafana to a priority in Opsgenie. Is this even possible with the Free plan? I see the Priority configuration in the I...
Hi, We're evaluating opsgene. Now we're sending grafana alerts directly to slack. Is there a way to send them tru opsgene but retain the snapshot that grafana generates in slack? Basically t...
Hi, Does it possible to use Grafana with Jira ? I would like to get some statistics (number of issues and so on... ) in Grafana. I try with plugin "SimpleJSON" and REST API Jira b...
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