Our team recently changed many epics (that had child issues) to initiatives. In doing so, the child pages were cut off, meaning they no longer are attached to the parent issue. We have t...
Managing large projects often requires a higher level of organization, and Epics play a crucial role in structuring that. Keeping track of Epic progress is essential for ensuring that your team s...
I want to have an Epic which would be the main epic and then the sub epics that are linked to it. I need help to create a dashboard which would show one main epic and the sub epics l...
Hello, It seems that due to limitations in how automation handles variables and the inability to manage dual branching (such as combining relation + if/else), I struggled to implement what should ha...
I want to disable automatic close of epics if all descedant issues are closed. In my use case, epics should only close manually by user.
We use epics on each team-managed project board with several tasks & subtasks within each epic. When each epic is viewed, it shows the percentage of completion of all tasks/subtasks contained w...
We manage several projects for different customers, so we have many different project boards. However, most of our projects have the same epics, tasks, and subtasks. Is there a way to create a p...
...et’s break it down together. Here’s a bird’s-eye view: Issue hierarchy showing child issues sitting underneath epics, which sit within the project. What is an epic? Let’s forget about c...
...ame of these tickets based on the fix version. I tried using the Issuefunction in epicsOf functionality, but not getting any results.
Hello, I'm looking for some help to write a JQL that will search all projects, where the result is all Epics that have a status other than done. Thank you in advance.
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