Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hi, I wanted to set up a touchscreen so my team can approach a board and move tiles around to "Done" on their own. However, I did a quick test on my laptop's touch screen, and it turns out when using...
Managing projects can feel chaotic. Keeping everyone aligned on tasks and deadlines while ensuring resources and information are accessible can be overwhelming. It’s easy for details to slip...
I am using Windows 10 and I used to be able to just drag and drop images into Trello cards and they would upload as attachments. Now I have to go the long way and choose the file through the upload f...
Hello, I am a beginner on atlassian, I would like to know if it is possible to do a drag and drop system with a third party plugin like beautiful drag and drop using the atlassian UI kit or if I need...
I'm experiencing an issue within Jira Plans where I am attempting to drag and drop issues from one Release to another in the List view. I have sorted by Rank, as I know that is the only way to enabl...
Hello, In the backlog, i can drag and drop the user stories, changing their order. I need to know how to use this same order that is defined in Backlog in a filter. The goal is that the filte...
Hi Atlassian Community! I’m Phaemie, a Product Designer on the Atlassian Editor team. 👋 I'm pleased to announce that drag-and-drop for tables has finally arrived! We know you’ve been asking for an...
While working on the long-term planning in JA Roadmap -view, I use Drag & Drop to group related Capabilities closer together. The order is however not persistent. After a refresh of the page, the...
Hello, I have a board that tracks client contacts. Quite often, I need to send an email to a client based on the information in the card. To do this efficiently I've made a butler card button that s...
Hi there! I'm using Jira Server 8.7.1. I setup the Kanban board with 3 columns (to do / in progress / done) with swimlanes by assignee. The filter is category != _EXTERNAL AND issuetype != ...
Hi guys, out of nowhere I suddenly can't drag and drop files on card on one of my boards. But, at the same time I still can do so on other boards. It's really strange. Is there some setting I changed...
How do I drag and drop tests I made in a User Story in Jira? I have some tests in a user story and I tried to drag and drop (using the 2 orange strips), which did not work. Using Filters is also not...
Hi, For JIRA Roadmaps plan in DataCenter version, how can I use 'drag and drop' to enable/show dependencies as a link between issues? Please refer to the attached snippet. If not 'drag and drop', ...
I'm sure I used to be able to Drag & Drop tickets after searching for them using the Issue Navigator but that no longer seems to be the case. I am wondering if, this is a feature that has been...
I have used this example (ConfiForms form with drag and drop and REST API - Vertuna WIKI - TEST) to build a dragable form in Confiforms but unfortunately, the 'Ordernr' doesn't update after refreshin...
There is a saved view in a Jira Plan where the following are true Sort By: Rank User 1 and 2 are editors on the roadmap User 1 can drag & drop issues to reorder. Use...
Hello, I'd like to maintain a "Do Today" list of cards in "Board 1". I'd like to populate this list with butler copying cards from other lists based on their positions as I drag and drop ...
Dear team, I am curious if possible to use Drag&Drop prioritization (using Rank) possible on the Dashboard and with Saved Filter. For example, I can move items saved as filter but when th...
Hi All I have some users on an Apple device (iMac/Macbook) where the drag and drop function does not work. The function works fine on any of the windows devices. Example: You have an email w...
I am using the Roadmap feature and yesterday I was able to move tasks, stories around under different EPICS. I could drag tasks, stories around and the Review Changes butto n would have a number ba...
Hi everyone, Possible there is someone who has a workaround for this issue. Currently it is impossible for us to add images to confluence pages. Previously you could add images but these op...
Dear community, When dragging & dropping a new version of an image to a page and then accessing Edit mode the new version of the picture is not displayed, until we either refresh the page or acc...
Hi, I am unable to drag and drop an email from outlook into the confluence page in the edit mode. I get message saying "attachment should be locked before editing". This used to work a...
Hi Atlassian community, Has anyone faces this issue when creating a new page with the Attachment macro where I cannot drag and drop attachments into the highlighted area? Instead, i...
we can easily drag card and move to other levels but not able to do the same task on iPad safari or Ipad app. please check if there is any kind of bug as well as if any settings exist please do let m...
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