Hello, We would like to upgrade our JIRA from 8 to 9. We use the containerized version "jira-software" and we don't know if we should only execute a "docker stop" then "docker run" with t...
Hi everyone, I am in the process of deploying Confluence Data Center in a containerized environment. I am using the image of Atlassian “atlassian/confluence:8.5.17” based on Ubi8. Confluence s...
I’ve launched the containers as follows: docker run -d --name="pgjira" \ --network=host \ -e PGPROT=15432 \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1234 \ -e POSTGRES_DB=pgjira \ -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=m...
...upported by Red Hat, ensuring that the images receive regular security updates and patches. For those of you running on RHEL hosts or leveraging the power of OpenShift for container orchestration, this u...
Hi Community, I am having problems pulling the latest Confluence Docker Containers/ Images. It is working fine for Confluence 8.5.5, but I am unable to pull version 8.5.6 or 8.5.7. I know s...
Hi, We want to deploy a WebApp from pipelines using a image from Azure Container Registry, or If is possible deploy a container, but I'm not able to find a pipe for that. What should be r...
Hi, We want to deploy a containerapp from pipelines but I'm not able to find a pipe for that. What should be recommended for Container App deployments? Container apps are different from Web A...
Hi, We are required to deploy a Container App to Azure. I tried to find a pipe for that but the Web App one doesn't seem to work for that. So, we are trying to use the CLI (microsoft/azure-cli-r...
Hello, Has anyone successfully connected Jira, Jira Service Management, Bitbucket and/or Confluence Server Editions to containerized Oracle 19c databases? Ours are connected to non-container...
Hello, Has anyone successfully connected Jira, Jira Service Management, Bitbucket and/or Confluence Server Editions to containerized Oracle 19c databases? Ours are connected to non-container...
...wanted to use containerized dockers method for this purpose to ship and run more easily. So for Confluence, pulled a CentOS image, ran its container and transferred confluence VM files to the CentOS container...
I am trying to help another team with Insight - they told me that Insight is currently not pulling in all the information from AWS that they would like from a CMDB. They believe Insight can pull in K...
I want to set up pipelines for building an application. I built a custom container for the build but can't pull the container (public repository). I am using a basic pipeline that just pulls a container...
Hi, I am facing the following problem. The build of one of the containers in my Bamboo freezes at least once a month. Resetting Bamboo VM fixes the problem for a while and then it comes back. I s...
...sing a terraform image for 99% of my pipeline but there is one command I need the aws cliv2 for. I was hoping to use that image as a service container butevery configuration I try ends with the same e...
Hi Team, I s it possible to configure and setup Jira data center on Virtuozzo container,If yes, can we have any atlassian KB for the same. Thanks Akshay
Hi, I'm currently trying to deploy using `atlassian/azure-web-apps-containers-deploy:1.1.0` to an Azure Linux App Service for Containers. If I run in the Pipeline it logs in fine u...
Hello, We're hoping to deploy Confluence Data Centre on Amazon's Elastic Container Service. There are several benefits to this, including the use of Fargate. Upon development of a proof of c...
Hi, Currently version 7.5.1 is used. I tried to upgrade to 7.5.2 and 7.6. Based on the confluence docker hub page, I just changed to use 7.5.2 and 7.6 docker image in docker-compose file, no other c...
Hi everyone, Due to the end of the server announcement, we are planning to move to DataCenter and use K8s to manage the whole cluster. So my question is how can we allocate resource for each p...
Hi, we are trying to prepare a new architecture for our Jira server stack using containers with Docker and we are asking if we can have scalability as setting up HA or load balacing with d...
Hello everybody, I'd like to run Confluence and Jira on a powerful server. However, the documentation says that it is not recommended to run both in a single Tomcat container. How do I separate b...
Dear all, Does anyone manage to install Jira under a kubernates cluster and containers ? We have a customer request to study that approach and could not find configuration steps and i...
Hi All, Planning to set up the JSD Datacenter on docker, so do they officially supporting it. Thank you.
Since a couple of months I am desperately trying to migrate a self-hosted confluence system into a containerized environment. These are the systems specifications: Confluence Version: C...
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