Migrating from Jira Software Data Center to Jira Cloud is a significant step towards leveraging the benefits of cloud-based solutions, such as enhanced scalability, automatic updates, and access to a...
On Saturday, 18th January 2025, I attended the insightful and interactive Pune Atlassian Community Event - Cloud Migration: A Solution Journey! Post a quick intro session by @Jayesh Baviskar, th...
Hello Atlassian Community, Managing multiple cloud migrations across products can be quite challenging, often requiring admins to juggle many tools and execute different tasks in parallel. We recog...
Did you ever have to organize a team event and had to implement some voting options for your colleagues using Confluence? Or did you have to gather opinions company-wide in Confluence? If so, you hav...
Hello Everyone! I am Adithya, Product Manager for Copy Product Data - the tool used to perform data copies between cloud sites. We heard your feedback that the issue with duplication...
Hello Everyone! I am Adithya, Product Manager for Copy Product Data - the tool used to perform data copies between cloud sites. We heard your feedback that the issue with duplication of ...
...ortability offerings. This commitment also paves the way for new and innovative migration capabilities, including public migration APIs. Improved migration experience - PbP offers a comprehensive d...
Update notice Pre-flight check update: This blog serves as an update to the previous pre-flight check workflow. Combining Jira Work Management and Jira Software: F...
...erform, automate, and customize migration tasks using code via a public API. MAPI is a cloud-based API that communicates with the cloud migration assistants (CMAs) for Jira and Confluence as well as our c...
Hi everyone! With all the craziness that is preparing for Team’24, the premier teamwork conference, we didn’t get to post last week. So this week you’ll get two posts back to back! You’ve already h...
Hi everyone! With all the craziness that is preparing for Team’24, the premier teamwork conference, we didn’t get to post last week. So this week you’ll get two posts back to back! You’ve already h...
Hi everyone! With all the craziness that is preparing for Team’24, the premier teamwork conference, we didn’t get to post last week. So this week you’ll get two posts back to back! You’ve already h...
We are excited to announce that cloud migration trials (CMTs) are now generally available for new Bitbucket Cloud workspaces. Cloud migration trials enable you to use the full functionality of Bitb...
Hi everyone, I'm Branimir P. Kain, a Senior Product Marketing Manager specializing in Cloud-to-Cloud migrations. Continuing from where my colleague, Swarna Mehta, left off last week, today's post f...
Hi everyone, I'm Branimir P. Kain, a Senior Product Marketing Manager specializing in Cloud-to-Cloud migrations. Continuing from where my colleague, Swarna Mehta, left off last week, today's post f...
Hi everyone, I'm Branimir P. Kain, a Senior Product Marketing Manager specializing in Cloud-to-Cloud migrations. Continuing from where my colleague, Swarna Mehta, left off last week, today's post f...
Hi everyone, I'm Branimir P. Kain, a Senior Product Marketing Manager specializing in Cloud-to-Cloud migrations. Continuing from where my colleague, Swarna Mehta, left off last week, today's post f...
Improvements already available in CCMA 3.4.14 and newer versions ----- Hi Community! 👋 My name is Renan Battaglin, and I'm a part of the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant (CCMA) product tea...
...his publicly available inside Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. Please stay tuned for the next update with timelines on EAP closure and public release. Hi Atlassian Community, My name i...
With Server EOL fast approaching, we’re continuing to invest in making migrations as easy as possible for our customers. One place we’ve invested a lot is in our migration tooling to help you confide...
※本記事は、Ben Borecki が 2022 年 12 月 7 日に公開した英語記事「https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Migration-Program/Migrate-invalid-and-duplicated-users-with-new-JCMA-solution/ba-p/2210591」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受...
Jira Cloud Migration Assistant を使用したデータ移行の方法がより柔軟になりました ※本記事は、Ritesh Ranjan が 2022 年 12 月 6 日に公開した英語記事「https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Migration-Program/More-flexibility-in-how-data-is...
...UPDATE: October 2023, Fix for invalid and duplicated emails was released in CCMA 3.5.1, you can find more info about it in the blogpost. If you have feedback or questions about f...
What do I need to know? To help you decrease the possibility of malicious actors obtaining access to your cloud instance and causing a security incident, we’ve introduced a new feature into the...
Hello Atlassian Community, and happy Apptoberfest! Have you ever dreamt of owning your own beer garden or restaurant? I certainly have! Let’s say you’re the owner of a popular beer garden in town...
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