I created a chart using the Chart from Table macro. The chart displays inputted data from various fields that I specified. My issue however is that the chart is not displaying the row axis in order a...
These are a joke, right? If you create a Chart, you have to put the data for the chart in the chart macro. This means your data table exists only to create the chart. It does not exist as a table of...
Hello all, Has anyone had luck using the chart macro with a jira filter and specific columns in the table to make a chart out of it? Specifically utilizing group bys. Thanks
I have status (Red/Amber/Green) and phase(Initialization/Planning/Execution/Closure) in my status report page for each projects. Ask is, I have to convert the projects with different status in a sepa...
Hello Confluencers ;) I am trying to find a way to automate the counting of specific string values from a table. Based on that count, I want to generate a new table to display the number of oc...
Hi, I have some data that looks like this, in a table. Just a small sample! ID Created Date State 344886 05/07/2024 15:07:19 New 344848 05/07/2024 09:30:11 New 34481...
When trying to add data from our asset schema to a Confluence page. Receive the following Warning: Probably, the incorrect date format is specified in the Chart from Table...
Hi guys! Here is the Table Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets for Confluence team with the updates regarding our discussion from last week. Unfortunately, we weren't successful in engaging...
We currently have a confluence page for reporting project status - which is essentially a table which lists the project name/ manager and then a RAG status (using the status gadget) for project healt...
Dear all, I've been working on displaying some data and use a lot of diagrams for that. I recently changed the structure of the site where those charts are displayed to make it more user friendly, u...
I am looking for a solution to fix the automatic naming when creating multiple charts with the Chart from Table macro. Due to the nature of the data table(Confiform Tableview-->Pivot Table) in the...
Hi I have a "table spreadsheet" merged in an "Advanced Tables - Tables plus" macro. In this spreadsheet I've built some tables that use formulas to update each column after an user insert some dat...
Confluence Data Center I am trying to create an automated chart from Jira Xray data that looks like this: Each feature (represented by a row) has different numbers of test c...
I'm putting together a lead time graph in COnfluence, extracting data from Jira and manipulating it in a transformer table in Confluence. I managed to create the graph, using the Time line type, rep...
I'm using task report as a way to list all tasks that exist in my confluence page and I'm using chart gantt to show project tasks and timeline but I'm not able to use both at the same time. All ta...
I have a table with columns showing different runs and rows showing the results for accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. I have my table within a "Table Excerpt". I then have a "Chart f...
Hello Guys, I spend many day for generate Chart from Jira data. I know Confluence have "Chart from table" macro that can i generate chart from table with Jira data but while i try to find this macro ...
When I create a pie chart or table using a field with multiple select or one that can contain multiple values (like labels, components, etc), Chart from Table treats these as a single value rather th...
Hi all, My users had a request to take some large tables with checkboxes, and create smaller linked tables where 1 of the checkboxes in the smaller table would link to the 2 or more in the larger ...
I have deployed a graph in a Confluece Cloud page along with several tables. On laptop and PC it is displayed flawlessly on Windows and Mac computers. When opening the same page in the Conflucence C...
I built a Gantt chart from a table using "Chart from Table" Macro. I have a column in the table "Status" which gives the status of each project. I'm trying to make the color of project items in the G...
When creating a line or time line graph using the Chart from Table macro I cannot get the date field to display on the x axis. It has something to do with the date format but i can't get the fo...
Hi All, Hoping to get a community help on the following question. I have a macro that pulls the information from different confluence pages into one table on single page. Table has colu...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to set a graphic directly from one of my tables, but when I click on the graphic options, it seems there are only my "column's titles" suggested as X axis AND data sets. I...
Hello All-together, as a project manager I would like to generate a chat representing the milestone prediction to a certain date. As a figure is more worth than a word....I am looking for something ...
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