...o get more in depth with what we covered check out this blog post. Would love to have y'all join me for session #5 which is on March 10th at 6 AM PST (NOTE - PST will be UTC-7 then so the time may b...
As you may be aware, Atlassian has introduced a new approach to certification renewal by implementing Continuing Education (CE) units. This innovative strategy is detailed on the Maintain Your Certification...
Hello Fellow CUG Leaders! We had the opportunity to take part in one of the 15 seat Jira Essentials Certification Prep classes. I thought I would take a couple of minutes to w...
Hey all! I've (finally) decided to earn an ACP certification and decided to start with ACP-420 Jira Service Projects. To help me actually study I've started some free 1 hour live study sessions on M...
If you have read any of my articles or watched any of my videos on preparing for certifications, you may remember that I have a laundry list of tips you need to watch out for when taking e...
Hello Training & Certification group! Last year Atlassian introduced a new way to renew your certifications by completing FREE coursework or attending Atlassian events. This post i...
Hello, Training & Certification Community! We have exciting news regarding our candidate portal: the name is changing from “CertMetrics” to “CM Connect.” Rest assured, this c...
Atlassian 生态系统 Atlassian 认证体系 Atlassian Certified Agile DevOps Specialist Atlassian Certified ITSM Specialist Atlassian Certified Administration Expert 证书示例 AC...
The Atlassian University team is excited to introduce a brand-new associate certification: Jira Service Management Agent Essentials. Whether you're an agent managing tickets, part of a non-t...
各位 Jira 爱好者好!作为一名深耕 Jira 领域13年的专家,今天要和大家分享我准备 ACA-905 认证考试的完整笔记(文末附获取方式)。让我们开门见山,直奔主题! 🎯 认证基本信息 认证编码:ACA-905 认证名称:Jira Software 面板配置(Board Admin) 认证分类:Atlassian...
Wstęp W dzisiejszym świecie słysząc słowo "certyfikat" kojarzy na się to z czymś co zdobywamy by udowodnić, że się na czymś znamy. W praktyce ludzie podchodzą do tego dwojako. Jedni brną d...
I had been aware of the new ACA certifications for some time, but I must admit I didn't pay much attention to them. I thought these certifications were not intended for individuals who work with A...
Hello, Training & Certification Community! We understand how eager many of you are to learn about the upcoming replacement for the Atlassian Certified Expert (ACE), so I'm thrilled to share s...
...tlassian certification. Join us on 8 October 2024 to take your exam before Team ’24 Europe begins, then flash your exclusive Certification Day swag on the expo floor. Atlassian certification exams t...
...bsp; ACA-JSWE Jira Software Essentials Certification (ACA-900) ACA-JSWBC Jira Software Board Configuration (ACA-905) ACA-ITSMF ITSM with Jira Service Management F...
...ira Service Management, delivering better outcomes and work, and advancing your career if you decide to pursue one of our associate or professional certifications for Jira Service Management. As a r...
...o produce a single certification to the public. With approval from the Atlassian Certification team I thought this would be a great opportunity to share my knowledge of this high-level exam d...
...reparing for Atlassian Certification exams - even if they are presented in less confusing format! @Sajit Nair _Trundl_, the founder of Quiz Wiz, and I will be hosting. Whether it's Friday morning, a...
G’day, Atlassian University training & certification group! Some exciting news from the Atlassian certification team. &n...
Hello, hello, ATX! We are hosting our first 🆓 Jira Essentials Certification Bootcamp and Networking session on Tuesday, June 25th at 5:30pm CST in our Atlassian Austin Office. Join A...
...etails/atlassian-atlassian-developers-presents-developer-day-on-tour-austin/ 3. We are working with Atlassian to put on a certification bootcamp for the ACA-900, Jira Software Essentials! M...
Hello, training & certification group! Have you recently earned your first certification? Are you coming to Team 24? If the answer is yes to both, CONGRATULATIONS on earning the certification...
...ou will be at Team, find me so I can give you a shout out at the session and a special thank-you gift. Best wishes, Joanna, Senior Certification Developer, Atlassian University
...tlassian Certification Team
Last fall, we shared the news with you that we were launching an entirely new tier of certifications — Atlassian Certified Associate. These certifications allow you to get credentialed as soon a...
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