I scheduled a blogpost to be published 18/1/2023 at 10 AM. The post was published 18/1/2023 at 7.32 PM. Which time zone is the scheduler using? My own time zone is UTC+1 which is set on my pc and o...
Screenshots/Pictures which I upload onto my blog only show up in edit mode. When I publish them theres a blank space where my picture is supposed to be. Tested on Firefox,C...
...bout creating a blog for each day. We encountered this issue: we must use a specific template for a blog post to document our summary. 1. Is there a way to create template for a blog? 2. Can you t...
Hi! For this year i created a blog-folder (2022) with all blog entries sub. Now a new year starts and i do not know/remember how to create a new one (2023). I tried to open a new blog (+) and move i...
My team have a Confluence page with many sub-pages. Can we restrict the blog functionality per sub-page? the reason being that each project is a sub-page and we don't want blog posts relating t...
I have written content for a small, private audience in our private space. Some of the context, by exception, is applicable to other audiences. These teams also run a private into which I'd like to b...
I created a blog post and posted it. Search (by me) does not find it. It is not listed by the Blog Posts macro which lists all (other) macros in this Space. Our Admin updated the Space's s...
Is there any way to organize blogs on the main space that doesn't require an outside app? I would like to either group by Label or at least create a listing of all blogs? or reduce the blog tree t...
Hola comunidad, en nuestro blog de Elite IT hemos realizado una publicación que realmente considero que vale la pena mencionar por acá. En esta ocasión dejamos una publicación donde compartimos n...
Hey Atlassian Community! Trello has been nominated for a Webby Award this year 🎉 Currently we're in 2nd place and we'd love your help to vote and spread the word to all your fellow Trello fans: ...
When our organization was deploying server-based Confluence, we used a great macro called "Better Blogs" that triggered an auto-email to all users of a space when an entry was added to the space's blog...
Wir haben Confluence Cloud Premium. Unsere E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu Blogbeiträgen werden zweimal versendet. Ein Blogbeitrag wird vom Administrator in einem Bereich hinzugefügt, in dem alle B...
I usually have 8-10 blog posts in a month. I notice if I change the name of a Blog post it moves the order around in some random way. It is not alphabetical or alpha-numeric as I can t...
I would like to know if there is a way to create a space specific blog and have it appear on a page in that space specifically. Ideally, anyone who is invited to be a contributor, could create a blog...
Bonjour, Je souhaitais savoir si, sur Confluence, il était possible, lorsque nous nous trouvons dans un espace, de configurer les blogs de la barre latérale non pas par mois/années comme cela v...
Hello, is there a way to manage watchers for the entire blog of my space? I already know that I can add manually watchers to a certain blog post. What I'm looking for is a way to add manually my c...
Hi to all of you, i would like to implement a blog Page for the project and would like to know how to redesign the Blog Page as well as the list of Blogs. Is there a documentation or a...
I can see how to create a custom template, but not how to use a custom template for a blog post. The only option for creating a blog post is a blank blog post. That's no fun, (and, it discourages m...
After upgrading confluence to 7.13.2 (server) the blog post navigation tree shows only 25 recent posts per month, why? Is there any configuration/hack/whatever to list ALL posts created per month? H...
I have several questions on this topic, but I'll limit to one: when I use the macro that lists blog posts for a space, it looks awful. For the "excerpt" option it ignores styles, and for "e...
...ould be an awesome vlog (video blog) we could do for the community! Check out the first Ask the Experts vlog below that captures our conversation about constraints and bottlenecks, the theories a...
Hi All! I´m a kind of Community Manager and the Blog at my project space is my main tool of communication. I´m not the Confluence Administrator, but I´m the only one of the team with the Blog f...
Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sur un domaine Confluence avec plusieurs espaces. J'ai créer un billet de blog et je souhaite le partager sur divers espaces en même temps. Y-a-t-il cette possibilité o...
I tend to forget to visit the Atlassian Cloud Documentation blog on a regular basis, and knowing what's coming is REALLY important. Is there a way to have this content automatically delivered b...
Hi Community! I'm Ruvi, a designer on Confluence Data Center, putting a call out for help with some research on Confluence blog usage. We want to address this frustrating bug around blogs t...
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