Managing Quality Management System (QMS) compliance has traditionally been a complex and time-consuming task. Ensuring compliance with ISO 9001 standards, conducting internal audits, and mitigating q...
At Creativas, a Platinum Atlassian Marketplace Partner, we consider the security and satisfaction of our customers as a priority. It is at the core of everything we do. To affi...
...lients - particularly in larger organizations - has been the ability to maintain clear, verifiable audit trails. By integrating these audit trails directly into Jira, all actions - whether related to u...
...anagement. Halp Compass Forge Data Lake Insight Bitbucket Pipelines In addition, we have obtained certification for the following this audit cycle: A...
...ystems or products and verify customer requirements are met for Security, Compliance, Internal Audit, Procurement, and other governance needs. What Atlassian Products have SOC 2 Reports? Atlassian h...
※本記事は、Jonathon Yuが2022年12月9日に公開した英語記事「Expanding audit log coverage to Jira/Confluence permissions and Bitbucket」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。 当社ではAtlassian Cloudで組織の監査ログをローンチして以...
Hello Atlassian Community, Since we launched organization audit logs in Atlassian Cloud, we have been iterating on our logging capabilities and expanding coverage across an organization’s a...
Hello Atlassian Community, Since we launched organization audit logs in Atlassian Cloud, we have been iterating on our logging capabilities and expanding coverage across an organization’s a...
...eatures can help (Jira audit log, for example), combining it with plugins available on Atlassian Marketplace, you can meet the essential requirements. Everything depends on your interpretation of the F...
Hello Everyone! Recently I have had to explain some of the “rules“ that surround the way you store data in Jira in order to maintain SOC2 compliance and since I have been involved in the audit p...
...rello, Statuspage, Opsgenie, Jira Align, and Jira Service Management. This audit cycle we also added Halp, Compass, Forge, Data Lake, Insight, and Bitbucket Pipelines to the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 c...
...ystems or products and verify that we meet our customer requirements across Security, Compliance, Internal Audit, Procurement, and other governance needs. What Atlassian Products have SOC 2 R...
※ 本記事は、Jonathon Yu による英語記事 「Track access to your data and meet compliance needs with user activity logging in audit logs」 を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 皆さんこんにちは、クラウドセキュリティのプロダクトマネージャーのジ...
...ear our teams have been working hard on new products, features, and acquisitions that also require third party review and certification for customer assurance. Unchanged, that meant for our next audit y...
...etter team collaboration Customization according to your processes Monitoring progress and auditing teamwork Setting Jira workflow for email campaign Why add a separate template for emailing? A...
...ctivity logs? They’re a new category of audit log event types that track user actions inside of Atlassian cloud products, in addition to the existing coverage of org admin events. This includes events l...
...equirements for digital health companies selling their devices in the US. This regulatory audit requires detailed planning and documentation management, along with proof that the organization uses a c...
...Learn more about Organization Audit Logs. Learn more about Atlassian Access.
...hese reports can be used to evaluate Atlassian systems or products and verify that we meet your requirements from various teams including Security, Compliance, Internal Audit, and Procurement, among o...
...ata Center products: Security, compliance, and governance Advanced auditing: Advanced auditing equips enterprises with the visibility and security-relevant digital records needed to help d...
...eriodic screenshots can work as a longitudinal report. An audit of Jira has three pillars Of course, the work doesn’t stop there. The audits we do at our clients have three main pillars: The v...
Today, we wanted to let you know about an upcoming change that may impact your audit log retention as it pertains to Atlassian Access. Audit log data expiration To comply with the i...
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