So, I'm running Assets Discovery on a test VMware SLES server (same server as my test JSM DC), scan settings as per below: So basically, just scan 10 test VMs in the LAN so...
Hello Atlassian Community! 👋 We are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new application, AWS Importer for JSM Assets, now available on the Atlassian Marketplace! 🎉 &nb...
Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud running a job, I was wondering if the job can be scheduled and ran in AWS Container or using AWS Lambda? It is just code with pa...
Hi there, I am trying to import 75 objects and only see 30 objects got imported into the JIRA Service Management - Asset Management. I would like to clarify why duplicate data not being import...
Jira issue types or any project types can now be integrated seamlessly with AssetIT, as we just released the latest version: AssetIT Version 1.4.14 with many enhancements related to AssetIT panels. ...
I installed the Discovery agent on a device, ran a Discovery scan for the same device, and exported the both data to the cloud using the cloud export feature. Will this process create separate object...
Hello, I would like to build a asset dashboard using the Assets Dashboard Grid that would show me how many Licensed Jira Users I have. I wanted to confirm and ensure I am thinking about this cor...
Dear Assets Discovery Community, We are excited to announce that we're planning to add a built-in patterns editor to the Discovery app! Our goal is to make it easier for you to create and modify pa...
We have many printers that are different models. I need to be able to have pattern for almost every model as OID is not the same on all models for serialnumber/model/Vendor. Have tried...
I want to get the details of the devices which are on a remote network by installing the discovery agent on the remote device and access the data from a device which has discovery tool
Hi, I have downloaded the new version of the discovery tool (version 7), which includes two folders: one for the discovery tool and another for the discovery agent. I’ve set up the discover...
Hello, i installed Discovery tool manager on a windows vm and an agent on a different windows vm (to test the tool). For testing purpose i disabled the firewalls on both VMs. If i force trig...
I have two servers running Discovery Tool scans. They are uploaded via the cloud to the same Schema in JSM. They use the same token on both servers for the transfer. There is no overlap of servers be...
Using Assets Discovery Tool version on Windows. I have multiple tomcat instances installed under E:\sw, so I have updated the default Windows_Application_Tomcat.pat pattern to use my root di...
Hi Atlassian Community, I have recently started using the Discovery tool in Jira for network and device scanning. However, I am encountering some issues and would appreciate some guid...
Hi Atlassian Community, I have recently started using the Discovery tool in Jira for network and device scanning. However, I am encountering some issues and would appreciate some guidance. When I s...
Hello, I'm not sure if I'm saying this correctly, but my understanding is that Assets Discovery generates an object hash as a unique identifier before uploading to the cloud CMDB. Subsequ...
Running discovery on CentOS with protocols SNMP or SSH, I encountered the following error every time: $ mono Discovery.exe [Normal] --------------- Start Discovery (7.0.1 - 088DD) scan -------...
Am I correct in stating the Assets Discovery scanning tool dose not do any mapping automatically? Anything that needs to have dependency mapping needs to be done manual.
Is it possible to restrict bulk editing rights in Assets, but still allow users to edit individual objects within the roles?
....CommandResult.ResultTypes; namespace Insight.Discovery { public class PatternExec { private const string alternativeNamespace = @"root\default"; public void PerformAction(object[] parameters) { t...
Is there any direct way of integration between Microsoft Azure and Atlassian Assets in Jira Cloud version? I have seen that there is a plugin in Atlassian Market but it is not available for the cl...
Dear Jira Asset Community, I am faced with the challenge of building an information network in Jira Assets as part of an ISO 27001 certification. So I want to reference the business processes ...
We are busy with a PoC of Jira Assets, particularly wanting to get the Assets Discovery and Agents to work to their full potential in order to assess the quality of the information received and its e...
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. We are evaluating Jira Service Management (JSM) for asset management to replace our existing solution. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I under...
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