I need to submit an entry for either Options A or Options B, I have a dropdown field in my ConfiForm which has these two options. Once the user selects Option A in the dropdown, I want text in...
@Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ Hello! My question is about using formulas I have a table where I sum values within a row using ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition. Now I need to start ...
Hi, I have a confiform form with several field definition rules (lookup and set value) which take some time to finish execution. The problem I have is that people would often submit the form before ...
Dear Community, recently I created a confiforms app consisting of 3 Pages in confluence. One page essentially contains the master data, the other page is used for registration and the third page i...
Hi there, I currently have 2 forms on 2 pages. Lets say form 1 holds a master list of 3 fields: name, subject, clasroom (some names will be associated with multiple subjects) form 2 is where I gat...
When trying to generate a new Jira Issue with a Parent Link as a 'default' parent for all submissions, I receive the below error. I'm unsure why it appears this way as I...
Hello, Is it possible to add a line break / new line to separate the information submitted from ConfiForms when in this format? See location of desired separation marked 'HERE' ...
Hi all, I'm having issues with creating what I'd call a complex ConfiForm and pushing the data ingo a Jira Create Issue via API. Please have a look at my Code Block, Error being received a...
I have been struggling to get a conditionally required field to show a red asterisk via javascript for a few days now and finally decided I need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I have a...
Hello, I use a webservice checkbox to display Jira components with ConfiForm in a form in order to create new Jira tickets ConfiForms Field Definition for webservice checkbox:...
Hello, I used macro "ConfiForms Field Definition’ Macro" to create a dropdown list with name=test and these id/values 1/Block 2/Major 3/minor now I'd like to filter the dropdown list t...
So I have a form that I want all company users to be able to submit intakes through. the customer facing form is hosted in a public space. and the actual data and registration is hosted in a p...
Hello! I have to apply auto filter on the dropdown field bsaed on the checkbox group. For example when a person mark Java and Python in the next field only those two field should appe...
When my form is filled out, it creates a Jira ticket, and I thought I had it setup to add what ever is entered and selected in my drop downs for the Summary. The macro is pulling the ID number...
Hello @Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ I have a problem with Edit Controls working correctly if in the Visible only to group/users field I indicate dynamic values from the Smart Classifier f...
Hi I have confiform where I have option to drop down box. when user chose an any option in drop down ..... then confiform IFTTT should trigger for create subtask. . when I'm...
I have a form which documents business capabilities at different levels. L1 is the highest level and L4 is the most granular level. Lower levels always have parent capabilities (f.x. an L3 capability...
I have a table in Confluence that looks like this: Note that this table is NOT a Confiforms field. It could be an HTML table, a table returned by a Jira filter macro or from anything that produc...
Hi I have created Subtask from confiform field. but i need to setup to create subtask when i filled in other field as well. So basically when i fill both field then create subtask for each fi...
I've checked out a few of the Confluence apps and liked Forms for Confluence the best. But when we use the public link to share the form, visitors can't fill out the form since its a third party m...
Hi, I have table 1 (source table) which lists choices (c1, c2, etc.) after table 2 that holds a smart multi-row field linking to table 1. How can I: 1. delete the item automatically from t...
Hi Once the form is created. Need to store the own data as link. When i open the link it will display the form which i filled one. Kindly help How to setup correctly an autolink? I tried...
Hello everyone, I have a few questions regarding the ConfiForms Field Definition: type=File/Attachment. Question 1 I created a record with "File ID=1 containing the file File1.txt." Later,...
Hello, Can someone have a look on the below validation rule? Why is it not working as expected? I'm trying to create validation rule based on the another date field. My criteria (as ...
I have a confiform field type of Comment. When a user submits the record of Comment, the value in the comment field gives a delete option which is not required. How can I remove the option of delete
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