Wrong Original Estimate Need to Edit or Delete it.

Ricardo Salatino
June 17, 2019

Hi, I logged 120hs as Original Estimated for a Story, then created the sub-tasks inside and logged the Original Estimated for each of them (120hs total for subtasks).

The problem is that now I got 240hs as Original Estimated (for the Story = Story + Subtasks).


Is there any way I can either set the Original Estimated of the Story = 0 (edit it) or maybe delete it just letting there the ones for the different subtasks (that all together sum up = 120hs) ?


Thanks in advance!



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Olga Videc
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 17, 2019

Hello @Ricardo Salatino 

First, you need edit worklog permission to edit own worklogs, you can request this permission from your admin if you don't have it, or someone with the required permission can do it for you.

Permission required Edit own worklogs

Editing a work log entry

  1. Navigate to the issue and view its details.
  2. Locate the Activity section and select the Work Log tab.
  3. Locate the work log entry you wish to edit.
  4. Click the Edit (pencil) icon, located at the right of the work log entry.
  5. The Edit Work Log screen is displayed.
  6. Edit the fields Remaining estimate to the desired time


BR, Olga

Ricardo Salatino
June 17, 2019

Hi Olga,

thanks a lot for your answer.

The issue here is that I do not want to edit the Remaining Estimate, else the Original Estimate (which is the one I wrongly entered).

By editing the Remaining Estimate, the Original Estimate will remains 240hs (instead of the 120hs I just want).


So, is there any way to edit (set to 0) or just remove the Original Estimate if I entered it wrongly (if the initial estimation set in the Original Estimate is wrong) ?



Olga Videc
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 17, 2019

Hello Ricardo, 

My bad, okay here is the answer

Atlassian is removing legacy mode form time tracking in Jira Cloud, so it basicly enables you to edit Original Estimate.



I presume you are in this 1% and still have the lagacy mode enabled

This is the answer if you have leagcy mode enabled

Before you begin

  • Make sure your JIRA administrator has enabled the Time tracking feature.
  • Make sure you have the Work on Issues, Delete Work Logs, and Edit Work Logs project permissions.

Original Estimate

Amount of time you believe is required to solve the issue.

If you want to change original estimate values once they have logged work time, ask your JIRA administrator to disable legacy mode on time tracking.

Complete documentation



Question posted before and possible workaround

"I simply deleted all the 'Work Log' items, then when I clicked Update on the JIRA task, I was then able to update the the original estimate ... and after I changed it, I then added the 'Work Log' item back in."


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Ricardo Salatino
June 17, 2019

Thanks a lot Olga!

I'll try this and let you know :)

Wojciech Dzięciołowski January 25, 2021

Hello, Olga could you paste here one again correct url to this topic:  https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/blog/2019/01/removal-of-legacy-mode-for-time-tracking-in-jira-cloud ? This one is redirecting me to blog page. THX!

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