Why "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira" information is missing for some scrum projects?

Dariusz Wilczak
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September 27, 2019

I have an application which is accessing the JIRA cloud using Jira Software Cloud REST API.  According to mentioned REST API documentation, information about sprint or epic is under custom fields which is identified by "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint" (in case of sprint field). The problem is that for 2 projects this information is not returned. I have no idea why. I looked at project settings, Jira settings and Administration, but no results. Both failing projects are software, scrum and use the "Classic software" type (like others).

What might be the problem?

Exact call which my app is requesting is:

https://<my company>.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/<issue ID>/editmeta

I tried also with version 3 of API, but with the same results.

I got information, that those projects might be imported from older JIRA server version.

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Dariusz Wilczak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 22, 2019

Thanks for reply @Andy Heinzer , but it wasn't a problem with authentication - it was working for all projects except two (all in the same JIRA Cloud).

Solution in my case was to added the "Sprint" field in the project screen. Those 2 projects used the same screen, were "Sprint" field was removed. Why? I don't know, but now it works :)

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 8, 2019

Hi Dariusz,

I understand that you are using an external application to integrate with Jira Cloud over the REST API, but are unable to see the sprint field in your request.

The most likely explanation here is that the user account you are authorizing to the REST API with is not actually a licensed Jira Software user.  The endpoint you are calling is correct for you to determine what fields are available to you.  However depending on your application access and permissions, the values returned there can be different.

So for example, user accounts in Jira that might be licensed for Jira Core or Jira Service Desk could see the issue itself both in the website and in the REST API  However these accounts would be entirely unaware of the sprint value that issue might have.  These users don't have access to see that sprint data.

Which authentication method are you using here?  OAuth or Basic?  I ask because if we can determine which method you are using, then we can begin to try to determine which specific user account in Jira Cloud is being used here.  From there we can then investigate with a Jira Cloud site-admin to see what product access that account has.  In your case, I would expect this user account would need the Jira-Software product access role in Cloud for you to be able to see that field either in Jira or via the REST API responses.

I hope this helps.  Please let me know the results.


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