Service Desk Email Handler - Keeping a copy of mails not processed

Etienne Janse van Rensburg May 24, 2019

We are running service desk with customer permissions set to only allow a customer with project access to be able to raise a ticket via the email channel. Currently, when a customer who hasn't got access and tries to log a ticket, the issue will obviously not be recorded and a ticket not generated. 

So when a request has been sent to this mail box, service desk has been set up with, it would delete the request from the mail box and a ticket would be raised in service desk.

Now the question is this: as a project admin or even jira admin, i'd like to be able to go somewhere (be it an add-on, app or setting viewing) and view unsuccessfully processed tickets, and grant those (potential) customers access to the service desk project, then re-initiate the request so the ticket would be generated. so i'd like to have the project lead/admin or jira admin use their discretion and initiative to grant access. this way, we would be sure that non-malicious mails get filtered.

it there a add-on or setting or option somewhere in jira or the service desk project i can go and view unsuccessfully processed mails? or is a add-on available on marketplace that would step in as a kind of handler, and keep copies of mails that had gone the route of mail requests, and kept copies of those mails?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 28, 2019

Hi Etienne,

Currently, when using the default mail handler, it's not possible to access the inbox of the email and the add-ons won't take this information as well.
In this case, you can use a custom email address for you to be able to check the emails that were not processed or check the logs (Jira settings > Products > Email requests) to see who sent the email and once the account is created, ask them to send it again.
We have feature requests suggesting the ability to send a notification when the handler can't create or update issues:
Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the features.


Etienne Janse van Rensburg May 28, 2019

thank you @Angélica Luz 

your response is highly appreciated. 


kind regards,


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