No notifications after smb assigned a ticket to me

Artem Usov September 27, 2019


It looks like a bug.


1) Smb crated a ticket and assigned it to person #3

2) Then smb set a watch for me in that ticket.

3) I do recieve emails about this ticket (changes, comments), but NO notifications in Jira.


PS When i set "Start Watching a ticket" by myself to myself, notifications works perfectly.

Tested many times.


How to change it to correct way?

1 answer

0 votes
September 27, 2019

Hi @Artem Usov 


  Please Check This is the Answer For Your Qs

Go to System>>> Default user preferences>>> Under the USER INTERFACE

Edit default values
Notify users of their own changes=YES


That Time Its Working 

Thanks ,


Artem Usov October 1, 2019

Thanks a lot for your answer!

I'm really sorry, but a made a mistake in problem's description.

Notification in Jira don't work when smb set a Watching for me in a ticket.

Is there another option for that?

PS When i set "Start Watching a ticket" by myself to myself, notifications works perfectly.

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