Modify JIRA application list for particular user

Dimitrios Danampasis January 8, 2019

As you can see in the screenshot below, there is a user with only JIRA Software in the Application list. 

2019-01-08 14_55_18-Users - UNOPS TASKS.png

The user has access to the Service Desk too.

So, I am trying to understand:

Where can I configure this? and  

Why does she only see JIRA Software while other users have both JIRA Software and Service Desk. What jira-thingy is determining that? Is it the group membership of the user?


We are running JIRA Software v7.8 and Service Desk v3.11

Many thanks in advance,



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 8, 2019

Go to "manage applications" to see who has access to each application (it's done by group)

Dimitrios Danampasis January 8, 2019

Thanks, I verify this is based on group memberships.

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