Missing fields when configuring RTM into Jira fo the first time

Michael Glenn Williams April 17, 2021

We are trying to use the Requirements and Test Management plugin for Jira for the first time, in a newly created project. In the left panel of the project at the bottom there is RTM Configuration. We clicked there and followed the Wizard up until the Fields Configuration step. We get this error:


It already left few things to set.

You have to add all required fields to your screens configuration of this project. Otherwise, our application won't work properly.

All required fields:


  • Fix versions
  • Components
  • Summary
  • Priority
  • Labels
  • RTM Environment
  • Assignee


When searching within Fields, including searching Custom fields, there is no Field that includes Fix. How do we get through the step of Field Configuration? Is there a manual or tutorial? Many thanks.


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Jarosław Solecki _Deviniti_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 20, 2021

Hi @Michael Glenn Williams , 
Currently, we don't support fields configuration. It means that fields are hardcoded into RTM screens. The fields listed are native Jira fields.

Fields customisation is already a feature on our roadmap.

In that ticket I also added screen by screen manual on how to add fields to the application: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/RTM-configuration-Requirements-and-Test-Management-for-Jira/qaq-p/1550313


If you will still struggle with configuration just write to our support team. We will do our best to help you! 

Jarosław Solecki _Deviniti_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 30, 2022

Hi @Michael Glenn Williams , 
fields customization is already available in Requirements and Test Management for Jira (RTM) for the create screen views and we are focusing currently on edit/views. 

Now you are able to create issues with different required fields and add a lot of supported fields to your create a screen in the RTM app to match your project/company/industry needs.

Here you will find all supported fields: 

If you find any missing just request them! :) 

Best regards,

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