Jira discovery public voting on ideas

Kresimir Nikolic May 7, 2024

Hey folks, 

I am setting up a roadmap using Jira discovery since it seems a great way to connect existing ideas and keep stakeholders up to date with what's going on. 

I've set up the roadmap to have a "Vote" field but unfortunately when I share the roadmap and make it public there is no option to Vote. 

Am I missing something or is this something that was not planned for the roadmap feature ? Seems like it could be a great idea to offer others to vote on ideas in your roadmap and prioritize according to that.

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 7, 2024

Hi @Kresimir Nikolic,

In order to vote for ideas, people accessing your shared view should be stakeholders. As described in this post and this support article , that requires them to have a (free) Atlassian account.

This Community post may also be an interesting addition, announcing the availability of the feature and a discussion thread with pros and cons from users already fiddling around with it.

Hope this helps!  

Kresimir Nikolic May 8, 2024

HI @Walter Buggenhout ,

Thank you for the quick response. I understand fairly well who can access the view and the need of a Atlassian account in order to do so. 

Perhaps I've constructed my message poorly. What really interests me is if I want to share a product roadmap that's part of Jira discovery I get the message that the following fields cannot be published.

Is this a configuration mistake on my end or is there a specific reason why voting is disabled when publishing the roadmap. It seems beneficial to enable stakeholders to vote on the cards in product roadmap, similar to how Trello cards work:

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12.46.40.png


Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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May 8, 2024

Interesting. I don't have immediate access to a roadmap I could try this out with myself, but I'm wondering if this isn't just the actual number of votes collected rather than the feature to allow people to add their vote to an idea.

But to get clarity on that, it might be an idea to share the question (with the added screenshot) in the JPD product group directly. They are just looking for folks to provide feedback on the experience: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Product-Discovery-articles/Making-JPD-views-public-need-customers-for-discovery/ba-p/2684482 

Kresimir Nikolic May 8, 2024

It works in a way that users that are given access get a certain amount of votes defined by the creator/admin of the roadmap. That user can then "spend" the votes on different cards in the roadmap. 

Thank you for providing me with the links, I will definitely leave my feedback there.


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