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📢 Introducing: Share views with internal and external stakeholders

Hi everyone!

When it comes to communicating your strategy with those outside of your team, it often means a lot of time spent creating and updating decks, having Slack conversations, and sharing spreadsheets.

How do you ensure stakeholders have the latest version of your roadmap? How do you avoid creating another deck that will be outdated next week? How do share just the right amount of information so stakeholders have the context they need?

We are so excited to announce that you can now share views with internal and external stakeholders to help you save time and bring more visibility and alignment to any of your key stakeholders, all while keeping your information safe and secure.

Please note this feature is only available in Jira Product Discovery’s Standard edition.


Cater to stakeholders.png


When you publish a view, share an always-up-to-date, read-only link with stakeholders who don’t have a license to Jira Product Discovery or any Atlassian Cloud product. Share a roadmap, timeline, or list of ideas with teams within or outside of your organization, such as leadership or customers.

To ensure your data stays secure, stakeholders can only see the view you share with them.

And the best part - stakeholders are free, so share with as many as you’d like!

Use cases

  • Publish a view of your roadmap to share with leadership so they can self-serve the information, without needing to learn how to use Jira. 

  • Publish a view catered to a specific segment of customers, so your sales and customer success teams can unblock deals and save hours of answering questions.

  • Publish a view to strengthen trust and engagement with high-priority customers by sharing a glimpse into what’s coming, and collect their feedback and insights.


Who can publish a view?

By default, project admins can publish a view. Project admins can also allow Creators to publish views by creating a custom role which contains the “Publish a view” permission.

Who can access a published view?

There are a variety of audiences you can publish a view to:

- any stakeholder within your organization that is part of your Atlassian site: by publishing your view to everyone on the site, by publishing the view to an Atlassian group, or an Atlassian user 
- any stakeholder outside your Atlassian site whose email address was added within the Publish dialog. Note that stakeholders outside your Atlassian site must create an Atlassian account first, which is free. They do not need a Jira license, and they will not have access to anything on your Atlassian site except the published view.

How it works

To use the publish feature, you must be a project admin or have permissions enabled as a Creator:

  1. Navigate to the view you’d like to share and click the Publish button in the top right corner.

  2. The publish dialogue will appear. Add names, user groups, or individual email addresses (i.e. specific customers) with whom you want to share with, and click Add.

    1. If you wish, you can also choose to publish the view to everyone on your Atlassian site. Note, if some on the site are already Contributors, they will be able to comment on the view.

  3. In the bottom left, click Settings, to configure which fields you want visible to your stakeholders.

  4. Click Copy link to copy the published URL.

Visit our documentation for more details.

To see a demo, watch this Loom with our Product Manager, Amina, below:



Last but not least, we want to extend an enormous thank you to our early access customers who tested the publish feature and provided feedback that shaped what it has become, and what’s coming next!

If you have questions, concerns, or comments - let us know below!


Amina and the Jira Product Discovery team


David Nadri March 27, 2024

@Amina Bouabdallah & the JPD team - thanks for this update! Couple questions:

  1. To clarify who can access a published view (below), it seems that in order to give a customer access to a view, we must first instruct them to create an Atlassian account, then have them tell us the email address they used to create their account, so that we can add that specific email address within the Publish dialog. Otherwise, if we just add their contact email, send them the link to the published view, and they use a different email to create an Atlassian account, they will not have access to the view. Is that correct? 
  2. Can a published view's link be published somewhere publicly so that when anyone (e.g. customer) opens the link and creates an account, they can access the view? In this case, we won't know which email address to add.
  3. For teams that are on the Free plan simply because they only need 2 or 3 creators at most, can they still get access to this feature? They don't want to have to give a Contributor Creator access just to put them in the Standard tier just so they can use this feature.
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Krzysztof Bogdan March 27, 2024

That exactly what we offer in External Share for Jira! You can share board or roadmap.
Which is available in Jira Software, Jira Work Management and Jira Service Management.
Also external users can comment, add attachments, change status and more...

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Hendrik Bondzio
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March 27, 2024

Great insights and well made video tutorial. I am a huge fan of the preview feature! Despite all the appreciation of that new feature, I can't help myself and shamelessly plug

External Share here.

It pretty much does what the name suggests and enables sharing of content to an unlimited number of users, all while maintaining the highest level of security.
Very exciting to see all the fantastic opportunities the Atlassian eco system offers 🤩

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Steven Bladeni
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March 27, 2024

Next step is for Jira to make these views actually presentable to senior stakeholders.


Please allow formatting into proper swim lanes and drag and drop structuring, formatting like tools like Roadmunk do.


I cannot and will not  include any current format of Jira roadmap into a stakeholder presentation today because of the poor format and structure.

So you haven’t really solved the job to be done here.

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Jaroslav Polacek March 27, 2024

I hoped it would be possible to use this functionality to collect user votes/insights for ideas on the roadmap. Unfortunately JPD can't be used for that purpose with how it is designed now (including requesting users to create Atlassian account). We miss this feature a lot in your product portfolio.

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Jens Schumacher - Released_so
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March 27, 2024

Thanks for the update @Amina Bouabdallah and well done team! 

@Steven Bladeni could you elaborate what you mean with  "proper swim lanes and drag and drop structuring"? 

You can create swim lanes through grouping. What is it that you are missing? 

Martijn ten Caat March 28, 2024

Will there be a publishable view for external users without Jira account? I wan't to embed a roadmap in an other tool to show to our users.

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Tibor Molnar March 28, 2024

Thanks for this great feature, I was expecting this a lot. Unfortunately it looks like that there is no way at the moment to embed a shared view into the Jira Service Management customer portal? We would like to publish the roadmap on our web and provide the most seamless experience to our users to access it - this is somewhat hindered by the requirement of having an Atlassian account, but if the view could be embedded into the the portal (where we are channeling our customers anyhow to submit support tickets and feature requests) that would be a huge help.

Is this being planned for the near future?

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Sebastian Haas March 28, 2024

Same question as @Martijn ten Caat : Do you have plans to allow for "true" external sharing in future? Asking all interested customers to create an atlassian account seems to be too much to ask for.

On second thought what (for us) could still be usefull: Is there an easy way to share this view with our (external) service desk users? In our setup they need to create an account to use our SD, so it must be possible to create some permission to automatically share a JPD View with our SD Users, right?


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Violeta Tamašauskienė March 28, 2024

Vey useful feature and great presentation, thank you! 

Some comments for consideration:

  1. I agree with other commenters on the requirement to have Atlassian account. This is unnecessary and might cause issues with more senior stakeholders. 
  2. Better formatting options (most of my colleagues in product team do not agree to use Jira Product Discovery roadmap just for this one thing - they can have much more options in colours, contrast, icons, etc. with other products or even power point presentation). External roadmap has to have better options for sure. 
  3. Voting - one of the most important features and I saw it was initially included, but not any more. Bring it back :) 
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Katarzyna Szumilas_Deviniti_
Marketplace Partner
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March 28, 2024

Thanks, @Amina Bouabdallahfor a very useful and comprehensive demo!

In my organization, we use Jira Product Discovery to create internal product roadmaps. The possibility to share them also externally with our customers was something we had been long waiting for.

When thinking of adopting this feature into our process, I wonder:

1. Do you plan to enable voting or commenting for external viewers?
2. Asking our customers to create an Atlassian account to view the roadmap seems pretty inconvenient.  Is there any chance this will change in the feature? 

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Vlad Zinculescu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2024

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts on published views! Here's the gist: we're actively working on a way to let you access views without needing an Atlassian account. Stay tuned for updates!

We've initially decided to limit access to those who are logged in, prioritizing the security concerns many have voiced when testing this feature. We appreciate your understanding and will keep you informed on any changes.

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Vlad Zinculescu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2024

@Violeta TamašauskienÄ— thank you for your message. I'll reply below to each of your questions:

1. we are actively working on this, stay tuned for updates;
2. we're also working on making roadmaps/timelines better, let me know if you want a sneak peak, and we can book a zoom call;
3. this is not as straightforward as it might look. Unfortunately we have no updates on this one just yet.

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Alex Spence
Atlassian Team
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March 28, 2024

Hi @David Nadri Jumping in on Amina's behalf here:

1. A: Yes, if the person you shared the link with uses a different email address than the one you added to the Publish dialog, they will not have access to the view. This does not necessarily mean that they must create an account ahead of time though. You just need to ensure that when they do visit your published view, that they follow the prompts with one of the email addresses you previously gave access. If they didn't have an Atlassian account before this, it will still work

2. A: No, however our team is currently working on making full public links available for Published views. To be clear this would involve no sign up. Here you would not need to know the email addresses of your audience in advance

3. A: At this time Published views will only be available for Standard tier, we don't have plans to change this

Hope this helps!

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David Nadri March 28, 2024

@Alex Spence - thanks for the quick responses! To clarify, so if a team will only ever have 2 Creators (up to 3 are free), but they want to use this Publish Views feature, they have to upgrade to Standard and I guess pay $20/month for the 2 Creators?

@Vlad Zinculescu - I'm also interested in getting a sneak-peak at the roadmap improvements. Could we please set up a quick Zoom call too? We also discussed a while back setting up a Zoom call to see the latest prototype for the native JPD issue types & hierarchies feature. Would be great to get a glimpse of both & offer feedback!

Mike Wilson
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March 30, 2024


Thanks for sharing how the feature works.

Is there a way to disable external users being able to use Filters?

Currently, we track customers within a single field so we have created internal views that only show ideas related to a specific customer. Unfortunately, when publishing externally, customers can use filters to reveal the other customers rather than being locked to filter we are using.

Can you disable the ability to use filters or can you suggest a work around?


Michael Welford
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April 2, 2024

Looking great!

For our use cases we would also want to be able to have a custom filter set for published versions of a roadmap.

Without beating a dead horse, yep, definitely need more options on formatting of the roadmap. Especially having longer text fields and more flexible grouping (not just months and quarters) please.


Antonio Carvalho April 4, 2024

Hi @Amina Bouabdallah and Team


This is a very useful and needed feature indeed, thank you for the update. I thought this was only coming later.

I don't see the "Publish" button on any of my views, is there any setting or other trick to have it available?



Thank you!

Alex Spence
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 4, 2024

Antonio Carvalho Publish is currently only available on the Standard edition of Jira Product Discovery. Assuming you are the admin for your site, you can start a free 14 day trial by navigating to Billing (gear icon top right) to try it out

If you currently have Standard edition, and you are still unable to see the Publish button please reach out to us by raising a support request linking this thread - I'll address it immediately

Antonio Carvalho April 4, 2024

Hi @Alex Spence 


I'm still evaluating it to understand if we will switch to it, just to understand the "Standard" license is for $10.00 per user/per month.

How is the user metered, 1 user = 1 contributor or 1 user = 1 admin?


Thank you in advance.


Alex Spence
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 4, 2024

Mike Wilson my recommendation is to ensure that any fields you do not want your audience to see, are not present on the view.

Only fields which are present on the view as a column, group-by, or as "pinned" fields (configurable via Publish settings) can be used in the Filter menu in a Published view.

You (as the Publisher) can filter your view by a specific field value without the field being present on that view. When Published, your audience will not be able to use that field in the filter menu. 

Hopefully this solves your problem

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Mike Wilson
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April 4, 2024

@Alex Spence Your suggested fix will work for us. Thanks for the response.

Jeff Wasserman
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April 5, 2024

We were thrilled to have this roll out to our standard plan, but we have hit one real snag - we are pulling dates from JSW when we have connected delivery tickets (yay!). When we publish the JPD view those dates pulled from JSW do not appear. Yikes! That's the most important part for our stakeholders as they communicate out to our customers when things are coming.

Additionally what happens is that the initial date we put into JPD as a estimated target, before we connect any JSW tickets, will appear instead, which is typically not anywhere close to actual final date pulled from JSW.

I did connect with support on this, I'm told it's a bug, but I wanted to share for two reasons:

1) This may affect others - we have a sorta workaround with an automation that the Atlassian support staff has kindly assisted with, but it has its own quirks which cause another issue we have to manage.

2) I wanted to give visibility to the product team, as this is something that we'd really like to see prioritized.

Mauricio Terneus
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April 8, 2024

Hoping for the ability to create published views to our customers without needing them to sign up for a Jira account. 

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Luka Hummel - codefortynine
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April 9, 2024

Like the update! Really would like to see the ability for stakeholders to vote on ideas.

Are you planning to add the ability to share single ideas to stakeholders?


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