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Making JPD views public: need customers for discovery!

Hi JPD Community! 

Happy new week :) the JPD product team is hard at work cooking the next wave of capabilities to make your experience with JPD perfect.

Amongst these workstreams: @Amy Yu and myself are looking for customers to understand pains and needs on making JPD views public! Today, with view publishing, that GA'd end of March, you have the following options on a JPD view:

  • anyone in your site can view
  • anyone outside your organization can view (after signing up)

In the future, we are exploring a third option: 

  • anyone with the link can view

Here is the Loom walking through the Figma file for this capability


We are looking to learn about:

  • use cases: why do you want to make your views public? what does 'public' mean for you?
  • administration requirements

Please fill in this form to tell us what you need & think about the demo :

Thank you so much for speaking with us so we can build the right feature!

Amina, Amy and Rishab


Richard_Donnell April 29, 2024

I'd like to input, but work blocks google - how can I contribute? 

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Thorsten Kamann April 29, 2024

Hello Amina,

I haven't pains right now, but I want to share my thought about sharing. 

In all other tools, it is possible to share content with a simple link without the need of account creation or similar activities. But in Atlassian-Tools it is very difficult. In Confluence embedded content is not visible (so this share feature is quite useless). 

So we need the 3rd option: everyone with the link can view. Perhaps with an additional option where I can set the duration this link is active. So it's easier to communicate ideas with customers outside my organization without the need to create an account and pay for this account. 



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Holly Holbrook May 2, 2024
  • anyone outside your organization can view (after signing up)

I can't get this figured out.. i'm fine having them sign in but right now noone outside out company can access even if they log in.. Am I doing something wrong?  

Gavin Steele May 2, 2024

So happy improvements to shared views are being worked on.

Real public views of boards that dont require any accounts are highly desired. To share/embed as we see fit.


Especially for intake forms.

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oliver_boban_alempijevic May 3, 2024

Our organization does not normally use Atlassian. Most of them work inside Azure DevOps. My team has a product running on AWS ( that is NOT the norm for our organization ) and we use Atlassian for all our Project management, Ticket, Epics, the whole shazam.

JPD is a tool we need to walk away from Excel and Powerpoint within Project management levels.

We can integrate Azure DevOps into Jira Product Discovery, but our Stakeholders do not use any Atlassian accounts and we will not be able to ask them ( non technical Directors ) to start creating Atlassian accounts. 

We need to be able to share with our board, and customers our Roadmaps in an easy way, and as long as there is no share option without needing to create an account, we have a problem unfortunately.

PS! 2000+ people in our organization.

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Stefan K_
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May 6, 2024

We provide software solutions tailored for the electrical, plumbing, and building sectors in our country, where English is often a second language.

This customer segment presents its own challenges when it comes to digitalization. However, our efforts are further complicated by the requirement imposed by JPD for our customers to navigate in a language they may not be familiar with and through a login system beyond our control or customization.

While we appreciate the functionalities of Atlassian products like JIRA Software and JPD and have established a Data Processing Agreement to assure our customers of their security, we also recognize the reluctance of our customers to create accounts with platforms located elsewhere in the world, such as our use of Microsoft, for the sake of accessing a small service within our internal workflows.

It's essential for the JPD Team to explore alternative solutions for Idea Portals and how they accommodate external-facing portals. As your clients, it's crucial for us to be able to customize and integrate the external portal seamlessly into our product, rather than it being merely a redirect to Atlassian.

I firmly believe that providing links or even embedding views without requiring login is imperative for JPD to stay competitive with similar solutions in the market. While we greatly value JPD, it's important to remember that external access isn't primarily for your PM/IT customers, but for our diverse customer base, many of whom speak different languages and may never interact with Atlassian products beyond this context.

EIDT: Rewritten as the original was more hostile sounding than intended :)

Kresimir Nikolic May 8, 2024

Hey folks,

So something really interesting I've noticed when trying to publish my roadmap is that the "Vote" field will not be published. 

Is there something I'm missing or is this intentional. In my opinion it would be very beneficial if all users could vote on the public roadmap for features they find the most useful. Similar to how Trello cards work.
Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12.46.40.png

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Leah Dent
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May 9, 2024

Publish views are great - However, not working for us because most of our views rank the sort order by calculated fields (Value & Risk Score) so we have to remove those fields to publish :-(

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Martijn ten Caat May 15, 2024

I signed up via the form, but haven't heard since, are you still working on this?

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Siddharth Bhojnagarwala
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May 20, 2024

Very much needed. I have posted my need in the good form. Please share the planning for this.

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Amina Bouabdallah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2024

Hi there!

I have posted an update, with a Loom video to walk you through what the feature will look like!! 

I would LOVE to hear what you think!! @Siddharth Bhojnagarwala @Martijn ten Caat @Leah Dent and everyone else!



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Amina Bouabdallah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 17, 2024

hi everyone! a new update to this article is available: a demo video of what our brilliant engineers are coding! we would love to collect feedback :) 

Please respond to this Google Form with feedback, comments, questions:

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Holly Holbrook June 17, 2024

@Amina Bouabdallah In the video you mentioned it will be available in "March of this year" since that has passed is it planned for March of NEXT year? 

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Martijn ten Caat June 19, 2024

This would be a great step forward for our organisation, with this feature we can now publish views without asking our customers to make an Atlassian account first.

I'm guessing this will make accessibility for our customers much better.... 


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