Issues missing from a Plan view

Dave Furlani
June 7, 2023

Help, please.

I have a plan based on a single filter. The filter shows all the issues I'm expecting to see, but the Plan doesn't.

I ran through the excellent possible issues list here - - but everything checked out ok

The missing issues are from a Company-managed project, They are children of an Epic that is on the board that shows some child issues, but not all of them.

I have no exclusions other than "items closed 99 days ago", which isn't the case for the missing tickets (resolved about 1 month ago). In contrast, the two CDD issues that do appear were resolved about 2 months ago. 

I have not flagged/selected any issues to be removed from the plan.

I have no Plan filters on, and we are not using teams.

The filter that populates the Plan is:

(issuekey in portfolioChildIssuesOf("PF-70") OR issuekey in portfolioChildIssuesOf("PF-72")) AND NOT (issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes() AND status = Cancelled) AND project != ALFRED

To help you help me, here are some screenshots that highlight the issue and where I've gone looking. A missing ticket I've focused on here is PURE-7588, but there are many others missing too.

Hopefully you can see something I haven't, or suggest other things to look for.













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Trudy Claspill
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June 8, 2023

Do any issues show up in the Timeline that are from a project other than CDD?

Dave Furlani
June 8, 2023



Trudy Claspill
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June 9, 2023

From the image of the PURE issue you provided I can tell it is not not in the excluded status (Cancelled).

And I can tell from the same image that its issue type is not a subtask issue type, because it shows the "Create subtask" button.

At this point the only other thing I can think of is your exclusion of items closed 99+ days ago. Per the documentation:

"Advanced Roadmaps refers to a different field — the Status Category Changed Date field — to define completed issues."

Can you add the Status Category Changed field to the columns for your filter results and check the missing issues to see what value is shown for them?

Screen Shot 2023-06-09 at 4.26.06 PM.png

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Dave Furlani
June 12, 2023

Good thinking @Trudy Claspill , but it seems like that has just deepened the mystery. The date is well within the 99 days, so shouldn't be excluded based on that data.


Trudy Claspill
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June 12, 2023

I am at a loss at this point.

I suggest that you have your Jira Admins contact Atlassian Support directly for additional help with this.

And please post back here what you learn.

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