How to limit number of tasks shown in "Done" column?

Connor Hogan April 28, 2020

There was a previous question from 2018 but no apparent resolution so I figured I'd ask again.

The Done column piles up with old tasks, is there a way to reduce the number of tasks shown in that column?

For example, we used to (in old JIRA) be able to supply a filter for the column and only show tasks completed within the last 7 days. It would be nice to have this option even if it's a dropdown of a few sensible presets.

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 30, 2020

Hello @Connor Hogan

Thank you for reaching out.

The time that the issues will remain in the done column of a board and how you can change it depends on what board type you are using (Classic or Next-gen) and what methodology you have applied to it (Scrum or Kanban). Allow me to provide you with possible scenarios:

  1. In Scrum Projects - The issues will be removed from the done column when the current Sprint is finished
  2. In Kanban Projects - The issues will be removed from the done column after 14 days

In Jira Classic Projects, you have the possibility to edit the board query to change the behavior mentioned above for Kanban boards as you wish, setting the issues to disappear at the same time you move them to the done column or keep them there for the time you want.

In Jira Next-gen Projects, you can not change the board filter or the time that the issue will remain in the done column. Basically, the Next-gen template was created to provide a simpler and straight-forward solution with fewer options of customization for the customers who felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the Jira Classic projects.

That being said, we understand how this functionality would be useful in Next-gen, so we created the following feature request to get it implemented:

NEXT GEN - Enable/disable/config removal of issues in DONE column 

Feel free to vote and watch the suggestion to increase its priority and also receive notifications about any updates.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Connor Hogan May 4, 2020

Ok great, looks like it's in progress!


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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 4, 2020

You are welcome @Connor Hogan

Have a nice week ahead!

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