Dashboard number of issue changed to status "resolved" per week

Camille DeGuire
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June 26, 2024


I'm looking for a gadget that can display the number of issue count changed to status "resolved" per week. 
Basically how many tickets we are resolving per week. 

I tried to use the propose field "resolved" and resolution and the data in there doesn't seem to be right. 

7 answers

4 votes
Trudy Claspill
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June 26, 2024

Hello @Camille DeGuire 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Each issue has two fields that work together; Status and Resolution. The Resolution field should be getting set when you transition issues to a "done"/green status. Setting the Resolution field also set the Resolved date/timestamp field. When an issue is transition to a not-done/not-green status the Resolution field should be getting cleared, which also clears the Resolved date/timestamp.

The setting and clearing of the Resolution field is something that happens within the workflow in the Transitions. In a Company Managed project you may have to modify the transitions to ensure they each contain a Post Function that sets (or clears) the Resolution field appropriately. Jira does not necessarily take care of that for you automatically. The default workflow created with a newly created project will often include the setting of the Resolution field on the transition to the done/green status. But if the workflow has been customized beyond that then the requisite Post Functions for setting/clearing Resolution may not have been added. That can lead to incorrect/misleading data in the issues.

If you are using the Resolution field appropriately, then you could use the Created vs. Resolved gadget in a Jira Dashboard to see the number of issues where the Resolution field has been set.

There is no native gadget that will enable you to see the count of issues per time period that were transitioned to a specific Status. To get such a report would require a third party app.

1 vote
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 29, 2024

Hi @Camille DeGuire  👋

You can get gadget that will display the number of issue count changed to status "resolved" per week with Time in Status
. Just simply: 

  • Choose the report type
  • Filter issues: Resolved This week 

Знімок екрана 2024-06-29 о 16.13.27.png

Enjoy your report :

Знімок екрана 2024-06-29 о 16.15.14.png

If you have team up to 10 user add-on is free for you, also you have 30-day free periodAdd-on powered by my SaaSJet team. 

Have a nice day 👋 😊

0 votes
Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 10, 2024

Welcome to the community, @Camille DeGuire.

I am Marlene, product manager of Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards.

Jira offers a free gadget that can show "Created vs. Resolved" statistics. You can find it in the gadget section of your dashboard.

If you select "weekly" as period in the gadget configuration and then select one dot on the chart, you can see the resolved issues per week. 

If you need more functionality, you can check out our app, which provides an advanced gadget: the "Quick Created vs. Resolved" gadget. Since we offer the opportunity to enable/disable certain lines, you can only show the "resolved" tickets, ignoring the "created tickets".

We also support other number fields, like story points. So you can show statistics for how many "story points" were resolved per week. 

On top of that, we provide a Quick Controller gadget, which enables you to filter the gadgets on your dashboard dynamically. You can test the Quick Controller gadget on our demo dashboards. 



0 votes
Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 9, 2024

Hi @Camille DeGuire

You can try Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard app developed by our team to create various reports, charts and graphs for your Jira projects.

App Features:

  • You can create custom, flexible and colorful bar charts and table views for any data you want/need. As data source, you can choose Projects or Saved Filters or Advanced (JQL).
  • You can set X axis to be any parameter like Created(month), Assignee, Sprint, Fix Versions etc.
  • You can set Y axis to be any parameter like number of issues, sum of remaining estimates, average of story points etc.
  • You can group your data on any field(Sprint, Status, Assignee, Component, Project etc.) you want.
  • You can choose various date ranges like All Time, Last Year, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months etc.
  • You can modify existing Segments or add new segments.
  • You can order the results by drag and drop.

Here is our live demo dashboard where you can see and modify sample reports and play with them. For your case, you can have a look at the Number of Issues Resolved Each Week Report below.


For more detail, you can have a look at Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira How to Videos and How to Create Custom and Flexible Reports, Charts and Graphs in Jira article.

If you are looking for a completely free solution, you can try the limited version Reports - Charts and Graphs for Jira Dashboard Free.

If you have any questions, feel free to schedule a demo with us.

Hope it helps.

0 votes
Amay Purohit_RVS
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June 28, 2024

Hi @Camille DeGuire 


Welcome to the community !!

If you are open to try out a third party app to get this data, do take a look at

Time in Status Reports 

One of the many reports which the app provides is Status Transition Details, as you can see in the screen grab below. It displays the who transition the issue status and when.

The app has 20+ reports to meet a variety of time in status use cases.

More Details here 

Disclaimer : I work for the vendor who built this app

TIS - Status Transition Details.PNG

0 votes
Gizem Gökçe _OBSS_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 28, 2024

Hello @Camille DeGuire ,


Welcome to the community!

Our app Timepiece (formerly Time in Status) ,the oldest and leading "Time in Status" app in Atlassian Marketplace, which is developed by my team at OBSS, has a report type that will meet your need.  Our app is available for both Jira Cloud, and Data Center. 

Timepiece mainly allows you to see how much time each issue spent on each status or each assignee.  You can use our dashboard gadget to achieve the data you want. By using our group by expression you can group the issues by their resolve week and see the number of issues resolved every week. I've prepared an example report for you. In this report I choose Status Duration Average Report and group the issues by their resolved year-month and week.

Num of Issues Resolved per Week.png

Timepiece reports can be accessed through its own reporting page, dashboard gadgets, and issue view screen tabs

Visit Timepiece (formerly Time in Status) to explore how our JIRA add-on can revolutionize your metrics measurement process. Enjoy a 30-day free trial to experience the full range of features.

If you wish, you can also schedule a live demo. We will provide a comprehensive overview of the application and address any inquiries you may have.

Hope it helps,


0 votes
Danut M _StonikByte_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 27, 2024

Hi @Camille DeGuire,

Our Great Gadgets app offers a Kanban Velocity / Throughput gadget that can display the number tickets resolved per week along with the rolling average (velocity) and the trend line.


See more about this gadget (and the many others offered by the same app) in these articles:

You could start with 1-month free trial. If you have any questions, feel free to contact support@stonikbyte.com.

Hope this helps.




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