Automation for Jira: Delete Issue Links

Dennis Zhao
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August 19, 2020



I'm attempting to create an automation that will unlink tickets after 'x' amount of days. I figured that this should be fairly simple as "automation for Jira" has an action to 'delete issue links'. 


  1. Trigger - Cron Scheduled w/ specified JQL
  2. Delete Issue Links 

Ran the automation and it succeeds in locating the ticket but "No actions were performed"

I was able to locate a similar issue with a work around but has not worked for me (AUT-1925 )

Following the steps

  1. Trigger - Cron Scheduled w/ specified JQL
  2. Add value to the audit log - {{issue.issuelinks}}
  3. re-fetech issue data
  4. add value to the audit log - {{issue.issuelinks}}
  5. Delete issue links

Screenshot from 2020-08-19 19-27-04.pngScreenshot from 2020-08-19 19-28-04.png - The mentioned issue seems to be related to Clone issues but reach beyond that (for visibility)


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Ste Wright
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August 19, 2020

Hi @Dennis Zhao 

I tested this rule in our instance and it worked fine (albeit I used a manual rule run).

Can I confirm what the value of steps 2-4 are? Just want to confirm what the audit log steps are doing for your rule!


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