JQL for issues added to Sprint after sprint start date

Chris Rees
June 11, 2019

We need to use JQL to find issues added to a Sprint after the start of that sprint.

The following posts are all requests for the same function. Surely Atlassian can see there is a want/need for a pretty basic feature and users feel that we shouldn't have to pay for an additional add on to get it.

Does anyone at Atlassian have a comment on this?














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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2019

Hi Chris,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  That certainly does look like a comprehensive list of Community posts with users that also want to be able to search JQL to find issues added or removed from a sprint after start. 

You can find these issues in the burndown chart on a per sprint basis. These are reflected a scope change event. I know this is not exactly the same as being able to search for this in JQL that you are seeking here, but for some users might search this topic and find this post it might be helpful for them to know that this report exists.


In regards to your specific request here:

I found there already existed a feature request for this functionality in Jira Cloud in: JSWCLOUD-16523

However surprisingly, there was not an existing request for this in Jira Server, so I created one in JSWSERVER-20097

I would recommend watching that ticket and voting on this as well.  This can help our development team to prioritize new features.  You can see what topics the Jira Server team is looking into by checking out the new dashboard on https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa this shows both bugs and new features that are in progress, being considered, or on a short term roadmap.  

It is probably also a good time to talk about Atlassians Implementation of new feature policy:  It also explains the use of jira.atlassian.com as a means to track these requests and other methods to which you can suggest new features.  Any user can create suggestion tickets for Jira projects on jira.atlassian.com

I agree that there are clearly other users out there that have been seeking a means to do this specific JQL search in Jira.  However JQL is limited in the results and the data it can return being bound to the issues themselves.  This can include the sprint name or sprint id, but it doesn't have the native ability to be able to lookup the sprint start date for starters, secondly JQL cannot lookup historical value changes for most fields of issues (there are a few system fields like resolution, status, etc that have gained a historical search in JQL, but sprint is not one of these).  In my humble non-developer opinion, that would appear to be necessary to do for each issue in order to be able to accurately reflect this information in JQL search results. 

It's not to say it would be impossible to implement in Jira's JQL, just that it's not necessarily an easy win here.  And honestly there are several other features that at least now, appear to have considerable more interest in adding to Jira Server.  

That said, perhaps this request will be considered more closely in the future.  Now that we have a suggestion ticket created for that, it is at least possible now.



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Chris Rees
June 12, 2019

Hey Andy,


That's awesome! Thanks for your help and speedy response.

Marcin Seredyński
September 13, 2021

Atlassian, what is the number of votes and time passed that you need to make a decision about approving or rejecting a request?

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M_ S_ Malik
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 9, 2022

Try this JQL:

issueFunction in addedAfterSprintStart("<SCRUM-BoardName>","<SprintName>")

Reesy August 10, 2022

This is not out-of-the-box JQL. It is only available if you have the paid ScriptRunner installed.

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