Jira-Jungle-Journey #2 / Free reading materials & The service button

Before we can start our journey, here's a few (safety) tips...

In the seat pockets in front of you, you'll find a some free amenities. As of lately Atlassian Airlines is providing all magazines and course materials free of charge to make your journey through the cloud as pleasant as possible: Atlassian University Course Catalog  In particular, we recommend the introductory course for Jira: Jira course 

If you need additional support, you can always press the service button (link to our Service project) above you. The internal Atlassian Airlines team will take care of your request as quickly as possible. If you would prefer to receive answers directly from the travel group, you are of course still welcome to ask questions in this Slack-Channel. You can also find all information about the trip here: Link to our internal Confluence

The crew wishes you a pleasant flight!



What's this about?

The Jira-Jungle-Journey is my way of making the transition from Jira Onprem to Cloud more fun. This is a (almost) weekly series of features, tips and fun facts packed into a Jungle Adventure.

Missed last week's edition? Here it is: Follow us along the Jira-Jungle-Journey / A fun wa... - Atlassian Community

Or simply follow along by subscribing to #jira-jungle-journey



Note: We're a German speaking company, so the posts are in German originally. Some jokes may not translate well. Also, the posts contained internal references, which I try to edit before posting.

1 comment

Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 19, 2024

Deutsche Original-Version:

Bevor es mit der Reise losgehen kann, noch einige (Sicherheits-)hinweise...

In den Sitztaschen vor euch, findet ihr ein paar kostenlose Annehmlichkeiten. Atlassian Airlines stellt seit einigen Wochen alle Zeitschriften und Kursmaterialen kostenfrei zur Verfügung, um die Reise durch die Cloud so angenehm wie möglich zu machen: https://university.atlassian.com/student/catalog
Insbesondere empfehlen wir den Einstiegskurs für Jira: https://university.atlassian.com/student/collection/850385/path/1083901

Solltet ihr darüber hinaus Unterstützung benötigen, könnt ihr jederzeit den Service-Knopf (Link zu unserem Service Projekt) über euch betätigen. Das interne Team der Atlassian Airlines wird sich schnellstmöglich um euer Anliegen kümmern.
Wer lieber Antworten der Reisegruppe erhalten möchte, ist natürlich weiterhin eingeladen Fragen auch in diesem Slack-Channel zu stellen.

Alle Informationen zur Reise findet ihr auch hier: Link zum internen Confluence

Die Crew wünscht einen angenehmen Flug!


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