Hello Community,
Somewhere a year and a half back, I had posted how to get started with API on Jira, Confluence & Bitbucket. The article here explains how to start API Journey in Atlassian Universe --> Article Here
Here are recent posts regarding APIs
We build integration systems of our own to automate things around the tools to have a continuous flow and for various other requirements
For this, we surely need APIs in place and the Applications' extended API comes into the picture where we decide what actions we can perform
Let's look at how we level up ourselves in the game of Atlassian Universes API Module and take a step ahead with the APIs available in respective applications and what automations we can perform
Here is the one that I will take to discuss with other Jira Admins and how I was learning initially on APIs to either get some data or automate any activities
We would need to authenticate with Token to interact with Cloud Applications in the Atlassian Suite of Products. Follow the Guide here for the same
The REST API's Doc links for Jira, Confluence & Bitbucket are
Expansion - Specific to Jira if we need to get more information when specified we will have to specify the 'expand' property in the API endpoint and call
Say you would want to know the history of the Issue and for Cloud API if we need to get more details of Issue history, the example would be as follows
curl -s --request GET --url "https://${your-site}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/${issue-key}?expand=changelog" --user '${email}:${token}' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq '.changelog.histories[]'
Pagination & Ordering - Similar to that pagination and ordering properties are passed in the API endpoint
For example, if we were to search for more issues via JQL Search or get the changelog with the available API endpoint, all the data at once is not received and we would have to paginate through the API by specifying the startAt parameter. For now, we will use a small JQL - Ref and see how we do the same
curl -s --request GET --url 'https://${your-site}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search?jql=project%20%3D%20GAP&maxResults=100&startAt=0' --user '${email}:${token}' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r '.issues[].key'
curl -s --request GET --url 'https://${your-site}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search?jql=project%20%3D%20GAP&maxResults=100&startAt=101' --user '${email}:${token}' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r '.issues[].key'
Some Other Example of Jira API is updating the Issue while Transitioning from one Status to another
Example for updating the Field, Comment & Status
curl --request POST \
--url "https://${your-site}.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/${issue-key}/transitions" \
--user '${email}:${token}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "transition": { "id": "transition-id" },
"fields": { "customfield_10056": [ {"value": "value1"}, {"value": "value2"} ] },
"update": { "comment": [ { "add": { "body": { "type": "doc", "version": 1,"content": [
{ "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "Comment here", "type": "text" } ] } ] } } } ] } }'
The transition ID of a Workflow can be taken from this API Here
And the Approach to any content you want to update in the issue, if you don't to how to format the data, create the sample issue with all the relevant details you want to update via API and call the GET Issue API, you will have the format, now all there is left to do is update the API with the correct format we the issue to be updated via API.
You can find more API Examples in the below links
Hope this gives you and your teams the enlightenment on how vast the Atlassian Universe is and the enriched metadata it carries and how we can interact using APIs from the external world
Pramodh M
DevSecOps Consultant
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